2022 Foundation Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/teacher and child Interviews for Foundation 2022 will be held this week from Monday 22nd November - Friday 26th November 2021.
When attending your interview onsite, you will be expected to comply with vaccination requirements, density limits, face mask requirements, QR code check-ins and practise respiratory etiquette and good hand hygiene. Meetings will be with the Foundation teachers and will be of 20 minutes duration.
We look forward to meeting our new Foundation students and finding out how we can make your child's first year of school in 2022 a positive and happy experience.
Do You Have a Question?
We invite you to click on the link below to post questions you may have about your child starting school in 2022. Answers will be posted in our final 2021 newsletter.
Question: Is it possible to put together a Social Story for my child about starting school?
Answer: Yes!
Click on the link below to read a social story about starting school at St Raphael's.
SPICE (Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement)
We are inviting all children pre-school children under 6 to join our St Raphael's Playgroup next year. Playgroup will take place 9:30am-11:30am every Thursday, commencing Term One 2022. If you would like to attend our St Raphael's Playgroup with your pre-school child(ren) aged 0-6, please read through the attached agreement and complete the enrolment form. This form has also been included in the 2022 Foundation Pack that has been sent to our new Foundation enrolments.
Completed forms may be emailed to the SPICE coordinator Lorraine Uzunovski
We look forward to reconnecting with current families and meeting new families in our playgroup next year!