Cecil Hills High School Newsletter

Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Issue 8 · 20 Aug 2021

In this issue

Learning together 25th Anniversary, Staff Appointments, Learning from Home, Year 12 Matters, Parent Information Sessions
Committed, engaged, passionate Year 7 students rise to the challenge, Year 12, The Morning Show
What are our Year 12 students are up to at home? Staying fit, staying active and staying motivated , Student Projects, The Morning Show
Our great school community Education Week - 26 to 30 July 2021, Education Week - Student Voice, The skill of handwriting, How to upload a written document to your teachers using an iPhone, Student Wellbeing - RU OK? Future initiatives for our students, What is lockdown fatigue? Australian Psychology Society, Timber Kahoot in Action!
Lifelong Learners
Quality education in a supportive environment Online Attendance and Engagement, Thank you to Fitness Forum, Green Valley
Year 11 - working together Year 11, Form a Study Group
The four pillars of good mental health Nutrition, Exercise, Consumption of positive material, How is your sleep routine?
Year 8 online learning Honest thoughts and feelings, Year 8 Daily Challenges, Wellbeing Wednesday
Resilience, Perspective, Happiness and Humour Holocaust Seminar
Year 12 Hospitality
Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
In our Support Unit
Online circus performance a winner! Watch the show online for FREE
Art making talent Sorting through time, Year 11, Year 10
It's Show Business for Year 8
Staff Spotlight My school days, What I like doing when I'm not working, My favourite movies, Defining success, My advice to students 
His dream continues
Flashback Friday

Published by Cecil Hills High School