Year 8 online learning

Honest thoughts and feelings

Fiona Dang (Year 8)

During the time of covid 19, staying inside is super hard. I felt as if nothing had meaning anymore. Keeping fit, having fun and having a healthy mindset was not easy. School was the place that was bringing my social life together and now I couldn't even go out. It’s fun being at home for school but it’s much more stressful as there are so many distractions leading up to school work piling up. Then again it should be easy to finish because we are at home and free to do whatever we want. Online learning is slightly different as I'm not doing anything I would in class anymore. I miss going out and going to school. I miss seeing everyone face to face and greeting them. I wish it would be over so that we can go back to normal. I also miss playing sports too as that was another factor in keeping me happy, but when we come back I am going to make the most of it and have fun.


Nishant Singh (Year 8)

Doing lockdown is okay for me, I am going fine. The only thing I hate is waking up so early just to walk to my computer and sit in a class online. I feel like real school, being there in person is so much better since we can socialise and have more fun with our peers and teachers. Out of 10, I would give online schooling about a 6 because I do miss my friends and my teachers.



Ameer Al- Shammery (Year 8)

I have been productive and have been able to complete work faster than how I used to. At times, it can be stressful. Sometimes my computer lags and my work is deleted, but that's why we have flexible days. Sometimes I wish I could go to school and see some of my friends again. But overall, I enjoy online learning.



Year 8 Daily Challenges

Five weeks down, five weeks to go!  Well done Year 8 on contributing towards the Daily Challenges. It is fantastic to see so many students taking time out of their day to take part in the cohort activities. 


A huge congratulations to Sophia Falzon and Blake Garner on contributing to all of the Year 8 daily challenges so far.  Both Sophia and Blake got to enjoy a delicious pizza which was sent to their door for lunch! 


Let's see what one of our winners has to say about her experience with the Daily Challenges:


"This year COVID has hit really hard and changed everything we do. Having to go back to online learning was really upsetting and it’s been really hard because each week the lockdowns are being extended and it really makes it hard for me to stay motivated but I’m so glad that my amazing year advisors Miss Cupac and Mr Wilcox came up with a great idea of having daily challenges. The daily challenges made me exited to start the day and see what new challenge where up. Day after day I did the challenges and on Monday my year advisers announced that I and another student had won all the challenges and a FREE pizza of my choice (thank you to Mr Lane for organising the pizza).


Thank you Miss Cupac & Mr Wilcox for being amazing year advisers and coming up with the idea or doing daily challenges" .

Sophia Falzon (Year 8)


Wellbeing Wednesday

Mr Wilcox and I (Miss Cupac) decided to host a Wellbeing Wednesday for Year 8 to give students the opportunity to come together virtually after school and engage in some casual discussion and fun Kahoot games!  We had a few debates on whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza, the best take-away restaurants, bizarre food combinations and much more!  Students turned their cameras on to show off their super cute pets and overall it was a whole heap of fun! 

Veronica Rolevski
Veronica Rolevski


Congratulations to Veronica Rolevski who won the Kahoot - it was a really close call between Veronica and Mr Wilcox (Kahoot name - Mr Mullet - in hopes to grow a funky new hairstyle) however, Veronica pulled through and took the title as Kahoot champion! Woohoo! 

As we were about to switch off, a few of the students asked if we could do it again soon! The answer to that was... ABSOLUTELY!  We are looking forward to our next Wellbeing Wednesday in a few weeks! 

This is what Grace Peters had to say about Wellbeing Wednesday to her fellow peers in Year 8:


Grace Peters
Grace Peters

"Wellbeing Wednesday is all about having fun and socialising with our fellow peers and year advisers. Even though this takes place online, it doesn't mean that it won't be fun. Our year adviser put together some creative things for us to do and enjoy. From my experience of well-being Wednesday it was fun, we all asked each other questions, had a laugh, played Miss Cupac's amazing kahoot and even talked about Mr Wilcox’s hair (made fun of).  What do you think he should do with it now??? Come and tell us by joining our next call in a few weeks between 3-4pm"


Thank you Year 8 for being an amazing cohort.  Mr Wilcox and I are extremely proud to be your Year Advisers! Stay happy, stay kind and stay safe! 


Miss Cupac, Mr Wilcox and Mr Lane are super excited to continue with the Daily Challenges and give out some more well deserved prizes! 


Watch this space!

Ms Cupac
Mr Wilcox
Ms Cupac
Mr Wilcox

Nikolina Cupac

English Faculty

Year 8 Adviser 'Class of 2025'

Public Speaking Coordinator