What are our Year 12 students are up to at home?

(photo: Bilal Shah, Year 12)

Staying fit, staying active and staying motivated 

During this interesting time we are currently in, Year 12 are sharing with their peers great ways to stay motivated and active.


From early morning stretches, to weight sessions in the garage, Year 12 are leading the way in staying active during remote learning.

Students may miss hanging out with their friends face to face, but most are finding creative ways to stay connected.  From Face-time workouts to Zoom gaming nights,  our students are proving that staying connected with each other is so important in supporting  one another through their final year of schooling. 

Student Projects

During remote learning, our Year 12 students have been thinking of innovative ways to interact with their peers and continue to work on their major works. Hannah Garner and Raniyah Haroon shared some progress shots of their major works (which is a study desk) with their fellow Year 12’s during our morning Connect meetings.  

Hannah Garner
Raniyah Haroon
Hannah Garner
Raniyah Haroon


Raniyah said ‘I wanted to share my work with my peers as one of only two females in the class and inspire other younger females to undertake the course’.


Hannah is also working hard and is currently working on her project which is also a study desk. Hannah said. ‘I want to add a space to hang guitars on the slates in front of the  mirror as well as space under the top shelf to store my keyboard’. 

Thank you to both Hannah and Raniyah for sharing their work with the year group.  We all wish them all the luck in completing their projects. 


The Morning Show

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, Year 12 students and their teachers have adapted Connect lessons to a light-hearted  "The Morning Show".  The Morning Show is a place where students can share their thoughts and feelings on everything that is going on during remote learning.


From Stevana Bogicevic's extensive pet collection (consisting of dogs, cats, birds and ferrets) to Zain- UL-Abideen Naeem and Bilal Shah's calm morning messages,  as well as Arcelyn Sebastian and Hannah Garner's extensive TV Show theme-song knowledge, The Morning Show is fast becoming a big breakfast family!


Our hosts:

Mr Alfonsi is great at getting the students motivated for the day;
Mrs Green is always there for the warm messages and .....
Ms Kulevski’s music playlist gets the energy going!
We discovered that Mr Pillay's pet dog can sing along to Beyonce'sHalo......
Dr Schulz is extremely talented with knitting and patchwork
Miss Bai is a child music prodigy and 
Mr Banks' breakfast of choice is Coco Pops!

The Morning Show is a place where students can share their great success of early University offers as well as their concerns and worries for the future.  Join us in the morning during connect to have a laugh and a chat, but more importantly  - it's a wonderful start to the day.  Great work!

Ms D Kulevski & Mrs J Green 

Year 12 Advisers