Year 11  - working together

(photo: Year 11 study time)

Year 11

As we work towards the end of term, Year 11 are rapidly approaching the conclusion of their Preliminary studies and will very soon be moving on to begin their HSC.  Despite the challenging circumstances, students have been working well online and will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that they have learned during their examination period in weeks 9 and 10 of this term.  Students will soon be issued with a timetable and will not attend regular classes during these two weeks.  All examinations will be completed online and the procedures for these will be communicated to students and parents in advance.  We will be conducting practice sessions so that students are comfortable using the examination platform and understand the procedures required to ensure that that these exams run smoothly.


It is important that we are able to assess student progress leading into Year 12 as it allows teachers to monitor student progress and inform next steps and planning for next term. It will also give students the opportunity to show their teachers what they know, understand and can do​, which is especially important considering the extended period of online learning.  By maintaining this online examination period, we are also providing students an opportunity to experience and practise responding to an unseen task in timed conditions, which is a crucial part of preparing for the HSC.

Form a Study Group

For most of the time study is somewhat of a solo journey. Try something different and mix it up by forming a study group.


 You can use a video conferencing app, and meet virtually.


Follow the Read More link below and use these tips to quickly get started and get the most out of learning with your school mates:


Michael Lane

Deputy Principal - Year 8 and Year 11