Resilience, Perspective, Happiness and Humour

(photo: Jewish  Museum Sydney  - Holocaust Survivors)

Holocaust Seminar

Year 10 History have been studying the Holocaust online in Term 3.  Students have learnt about the different experience of survivors and have empathised with their stories. They have also appreciated how survivors demonstrated resilience in times of adversity. This study allows students to learn how and why we commemorate historical events which have shaped our understanding of society and the world today.


 Students have also stepped outside of the ‘online classroom’ and engaged in two virtual seminars hosted and subsidised by the Sydney Jewish Museum on Resisting the Holocaust and Survivor Stories. 


Students were highly engaged by exploring different primary sources including photographs, artefacts and memoirs from the Holocaust. Students were also provided the opportunity to ask questions to extend their knowledge and interests that will also benefit their research for the upcoming Holocaust research essay assessment task. 






Ms Nina Ishak

Year 10 History Teacher