Art making talent 

(photo:  artwork by Kelly Nguyen, Year 11 Visual Arts)

Sorting through time

Year 11

This past year has been full of twists and turns, unexpected challenges and new experiences.  As we are now well into the second half of the year, it feels timely to acknowledge our Year 11 Visual Arts students who have been working with passion and commitment to develop their artmaking. 


The lockdown brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has made the experience of producing and accessing art materials more challenging than ever.  Our students welcomed their senior art kit that was delivered to their home as they continue to develop their ability to think critically, creatively and collaboratively through our online lessons. 

Informed by their art historical and critical studies, Year 11 students have been exploring a range of expressive artforms depicting concepts of identity and conventions of portraiture as a source of inspiration. 

Noor Fouad
Josephine Zucco
Maryam Mamo
Noor Fouad
Edwin Nguyen
Nour Fouad
Noor Fouad
Edwin Nguyen
Theodora Mounatonga
Noor Fouad
Raelene Garcia
Taneisha Coyne
Theodora Mounatonga
Noor Fouad
Josephine Zucco
Maryam Mamo
Noor Fouad
Edwin Nguyen
Nour Fouad
Noor Fouad
Edwin Nguyen
Theodora Mounatonga
Noor Fouad
Raelene Garcia
Taneisha Coyne
Theodora Mounatonga

Year 10

Year 10 Visual Arts students have been focussing on their conceptual ideas and layers of meaning with their Body of Work. They are working tirelessly on their symbolic assemblage box and canvas painting, refining techniques and expressively conveying their chosen stylistic period. 


Here is a selection of their amazing works in progress.

Tam Tran
Lara Bianchi
Sarah Ha
Tam Tran
Linh Pham
Tam Tran
Lara Bianchi
Sarah Ha
Tam Tran
Linh Pham







Ms Connie Mandalakoudis

Visual Arts teacher