Flashback Friday

(photo: 2003 - Cecil Hills High School staff dress up day)

(do you know any of the teachers in this photo?)

When I was first asked to work at Cecil Hills High School, I had to ask where Cecil Hills was!  As a new estate and a new school it felt like Cecil Hills was on the edge of civilisation with cows and horses in paddocks literally 10 metres from the front gates of the school and the Western Sydney Airport was not a multi-billion dollar international facility but a strip of tarmac that light planes used at Hoxton Park.


I started working as a casual teacher in 2003 and my first day was an absolute highlight. Not only did the students value education but they wanted to work with their teachers. When you’re a casual teacher and a student says “Sir, I finished the work you set, can I please  go onto the activities in the next page of the text book”, you know that you are lucky to be working in a special place.


I have some great Cecil memories and my PDHPE family was one of them. 


 We had a great time in J-Block and dress ups Fridays was definitely a highlight. The other great thing to come from Cecil Hills High School is my actual family.  Marrying Ms Twomey in 2014 and having two children together means that Cecil Hills will always hold a special place in our hearts.


I met some wonderful students and staff and am excited that I get to continue working with great Cecil people, including Mrs James in her new role of Principal at Bulli High School.




Congratulations Cecil Hills High School as you celebrate your 25th Anniversary.


Paul Hickey

Cecil Hills High School 2003 - 2019