Camden High School Newsletter

Safe, Respectful, Learner

Issue 5 · 11 Sep 2023

In this issue

From the Principal Term 3 Events, Year 12, Mobile Phone Ban
From the Deputy Principals Make Your Voice Count in the "NSW Tell Them From Me" Parent Survey., What is the "Tell Them From Me" Survey?, Why Your Participation Matters, How to Participate, Thank You for Your Support
Student Leadership Incoming School Captains 2024, Wear It Purple Day, Jersey Day and Jeans for Genes Day, Youth Community Service Award – Order of Australia Association 
Wordslayers (English) Creative Writing Club , Year 11 Exams 
TAS Times Year 9 Child Studies – Play and the Developing Child, Wear It Purple Day –25th August 2023, Year 12 Industrial Timber Major Works, Technology Mandatory Spotlight - Engineering Studies, Free Barista Course, Fees
SWAG - Science and Agriculture 🌟 Year 7: Power Up with Physics!, 🌍 Year 8: Earth's Superheroes in Action!, 🌋 Year 9: Riding the Tectonic Waves!, 🌠 Year 10: Starry-eyed Space Explorers!
CAPA and Languages Bathory Begins, Major Works Complete, Japanese
Support Faculty Snapshot
The Sport Report Notices, Spring Sport Rotation, Razorback Gala Day Referees, Adam - Australian Baseball
STAR Class
Camden Careers University Admission for our graduating Year 12
Aboriginal Education
High Potential and Gifted Education Robotics Club
Ways to Wellbeing Camden Tradies, Backflips Against Bullying, Camden Council Services Expo
Talking Attendance... Compulsory school attendance, Attendance Policy
P&C News
Upcoming Events Term 3 - Week 9, Week 10, Term 4 - Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5