TAS Times

Technology and Applied Science Faculty

Year 9 Child Studies – Play and the Developing Child

This term, students in Year 9 Child Studies were given an assessment task where they had to imagine they had been hired by Toys ‘R’ Us to produce a toy prototype for a child aged 0-5 years. It was their job to design and build a children’s toy to engage young children safely and educationally, in order to meet the outcome “CS5.4 Plans and Implements engaging activities when educating and caring for young children within a safe environment. They did an incredible job and Mrs Palmer would love to share some of the design prototypes below.

Wear It Purple Day –25th August 2023

As part of the Community and Family Studies syllabus, year 12 CAFS have studied 4 groups in context, including LGBTQIA+. In learning about the community organisations that support the needs and wellbeing of this group, they were introduced to Wear it Purple Day. We decided to follow in the footsteps of the Year 12 cohort of 2022 by holding a cupcake bake sale in the school quad on Friday 25th August, featuring cupcakes made and decorated by both year 11 and year 12 CAFS students and their teachers. The school community embraced the bake sale and we were able to raise a huge $550 to be donated to the Wear it Purple organisation, to support LGBTQIA+ youth.

Year 12 Industrial Timber Major Works

Congratulations to this year's 2023 Industrial Technology class! The consistent effort and determination throughout this year has been fantastic. All students that have successfully completed their projects should be very proud of their efforts. Well done! - Mr Greenway


Technology Mandatory Spotlight - Engineering Studies

Year 7 Engineering have finished off their 2nd Technology rotation with the successful completion of their solar cars. Through some rigorous designing, effective planning and efficient production, they have made the most of the solar energy on offer these past few weeks! Lookout Mr Elon Musk, Camden High is on its way!

Free Barista Course

Camden Council in partnership with Academy Green are hosting a FREE Barista course these school holidays for local young people aged 14-18 at Julia Reserve Youth & Community Centre in Oran Park.


Please note that participants must be residents of the Camden Local Government Area and must be available to attend all three days. (September 29, October 3rd & October 4th).


Young people interested in attending this are encouraged to express their interest here; https://www.trybooking.com/CLBSY


Once completed, additional registration forms will be emailed to participants that they must complete prior to the course. Please note that registrations are extremely limited so please register as soon as possible. If you have any questions, see Mr Berrell in the Library.


As we are now coming towards the end of the year, and due to the increasing cost of materials and ingredients, we kindly ask that if you haven’t yet paid your child’s subject fees for TAS, that you please do so as soon as possible, so that we can continue providing meaningful practical experiences for students in term 4.