Support Faculty Snapshot

Stage 4 students have been learning about resources in Science, looking at ores and water. They have been conducting investigations around electroplating to explore ores, and chemical weathering to model acid rain. Later in the term we will be visiting Warragamba Dam to learn more about resource management. 

The stage 5 students have been busy down at the AG farm, where they have been tending to their lettuce, spinach and bok choy plants, that are growing very nicely. We were very lucky that Mrs Hotson gave us some extra potatoes to plant in our support unit garden, we can’t wait to watch them grow. Our students have been ensuring that the chickens have enough food and water especially over the weekend.


The Stage 5 Wellbeing class have been making a bullying video with Mr Berrell. They have been exploring different roles of being actors and directors. The students have also been developing their knowledge of how to edit the video and refine the finished product. Our students made posters about bullying and they will be displayed around the school.