Camden Careers

University Admission for our graduating Year 12

With most university early admission schemes closed and processes underway, it has become a very exciting time for our year 12 students who are looking towards university in 2024.


With Western Sydney University’s HSC True Reward Round one offers coming out on Thursday the 14 September, some students will be getting their 4th early offer to uni, even though the HSC exams are still a month away.


Let's look at what we have so far.

  • UNSW Round 1 of early offers came out last week with a record 14 students receiving offers. 10 of these are conditional on students achieving a reduced ATAR requirement, and 4 of the offers are unconditional, meaning the student is in if they wish to accept it. Even better is that as a Gateway school with UNSW, all students from Camden High School will receive a $1000 Gateway award if they study at UNSW.
  • University of Wollongong has long been a favourite destination for Camden students, and this years Early Admissions scheme is evidence of this. We had 40 students apply for early admission at UOW, with each student being able to apply for up to 2 courses each. Two students chose not to submit a second course preference, so out of 78 courses applied for through this scheme there were 77 unconditional offers made to Camden High School students. On top of this, one student from Camden High School will receive a $5000 scholarship at UOW.

It is expected that by the end of next week most students who planned their applications well will also have offers from Western Sydney uni through their HSC True Reward program. 


But they won’t be done! UTS will send offers for their early offer program in October, then the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS) which covers multiple unis, will send out offers in November over multiple rounds. Plus UNSW has a round two as well, and WSUTrue Reward has three more rounds!!!


What does this mean for our students with multiple offers?

Firstly, getting an offer often requires no action. Unless they specifically ask for an action, most of these offers will sit around into the start of next year allowing students to wait beyond ATAR release and see what offers they can get using the ATARs as well. 


This means student should NOT enrol in any universities until at least January next year.


That way they can explore their options fully and make informed decisions after all offer rounds and schemes are completed. Unless specific action is required. E.g. Scholarships or additional entry requirements like interviews, auditions, portfolios etc.


Students need to make sure they stay in touch with their email address over the coming months, as the universities will stay in contact and provide further information regarding accepting, declining or deferring university study. 


So for now students should keep collecting offers, and keep studying hard, so they have the best options available to them.


Any students who are concerned or who still need help mapping out their university applications and preferences should book in to see Mr McKimm ASAP.