Ways to Wellbeing
Camden Tradies
Camden tradies kicked off in Week 7! Eleven of our Year 8 boys are working together to complete some 'Tradie' projects around the school. At the moment, we are building a new
garden bed out the back of the library and fixing up the Long Jump Pit (much to the delight of Mr Garland!). The boys have scoped out both projects, taken measurements, drawn plans, done the maths, made enquires with local businesses for materials and are nearly ready to start building and landscaping!! Week 8, 9 and 10 will see the boys write up some quotes to take to executive members for approval and then ordering of materials and getting into the hands on stuff!!
A special shout out so far to Jake for his confidence and professionalism on the phone enquiring into getting materials and to Aidan for his tenacity and 'never stop' attitude. He is the king of the shovel!!
More updates to come as our projects start to take shape!!
Backflips Against Bullying
On Wednesday Week 7, our Year 7 and 8 students were invited to watch the Backflips Against Bullying show. The show engages students through parkour and acrobatics to deliver a strong message around anti-bullying, empowerment and resilience. All students were super engaged and respectful and some had the opportunity to interact with the performers and help out with the parkour presentation!!
Camden Council Services Expo
Camden Council kindly organised a ‘Services Expo’ for all Camden High Students in Week 7. 17 local organisations/services volunteered their time to set up a stall, run small activities and have a chat to our students about how they can assist young people in the community. Feedback from the students indicated that they learnt more than they ever have about local services in our area and have increased their confidence that they could engage with these services if they were ever in need!
Services that attended include:
Camden Council https://www.camden.nsw.gov.au/
The Y NSW https://www.ymcansw.org.au/
Youth Action https://youthaction.org.au/
TAFE NSW https://www.tafensw.edu.au/
MTC Australia https://www.mtcaustralia.com.au/
Traxside Youth Health Services https://www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/communityhealth/centres_traxside.html
Breakthru https://breakthru.org.au/
Anglicare https://www.anglicare.org.au/what-we-offer/family-parenting-youth-support/youth-support/
Headspace https://headspace.org.au/
Little Dreamers https://www.littledreamers.org.au/
Salvation Army Youth Link https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/youthlink/
Yourtown https://www.yourtown.com.au/
OCTEC https://octec.org.au/
Ability Options https://abilityoptions.org.au/
Uniting https://www.uniting.org/home