Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

Creative Writing Club 

At the end of the hallway was a room, that looked like an office space, but it was empty. Thought it wasn’t dark, he felt uneasy in the sense that he wasn’t alone. On one of the walls was a sign that read ‘heaven’s basement’… weird. 


Out in the hallway, on the wall, was a drawing an eye and under it read ‘the eye of God’ with names written all around it. But there was something off about how they were written; it wasn’t like a signature. Instead, it looked shaky and messy like whoever wrote it was forced.  


He continued down the hallway until he came across an elevator. He had second thoughts about taking it, but soon realised there was no other option; he turned around to go the other direction but was stunned… the whole hallway had altered and was now a tiny room with no windows or doors… just him and elevator. 


The inside of the elevator was horrific to say the least; the buttons looked like they were scratched at and the whole thing was covered in more drawings. They ranged from eyes, to names, distorted figures, gibberish, and a single missing poster, which had all the important details like name, last seen and the photo scribbled over. 


The elevator finally stopped, but it was the same hallway. This time the office space wasn’t there. When he stepped out of the elevator and looked back, it disappeared too. He also noticed the hallway was shorter. Not knowing what else to do, he stood and stared at the ‘eye of God’, but there was something he hadn’t noticed before. That particular section of the wall looked a bit off, he started kicking and pushing the wall to see if it would open. A section of the wall creaked open, so he went in. 


The names continued down the walls of the section. The further down he went, the harder it was to read the names. It wasn’t just the names. Once again, there were eyes and figures everywhere and the drawings became more and more horrific. The staircase seemed to go on forever, but once he reached the end there was something unexpected… 


...there was no exit or gory crime scene, instead it was the missing poster and this time he could clearly see who it was.  


It was him. 


Behind him, they were waiting. 

Anonymous, Year 7 


Year 11 Exams 

In preparation for their yearly exams, students in Advanced English have been completing optional exam practise with Mrs Bridle before school. Congratulations to these hard working students who are taking up the opportunity! 




English Standard classes have been summarising their knowledge of Wilfred Owen’s poetry through sketchnoting.