St Raphael's School

Issue 3 · 08 Mar 2022

In this issue

Principal News
RE News Lenten Season, Engaging with Scripture, Education Week 2022 - The Way of the Gospel., Project Compassion 2022  , Sacrament of Confirmation
Literacy The Importance of Picture Story Books, NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5
Mathematics Parent Beliefs about Maths change their children's achievement, 6 Ways you can help your child with Maths, NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5
Student Wellbeing eSmart 
Learning Diversity G.A.T.E.WAYS , Is My Child/Student Gifted and Talented?
Foundation News Reading, Religion, Maths, Specialists, Homework, Parent Helpers in the Classroom, Meet the Teacher Information Sessions, Important Dates, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions, Timetable-Week 7 & 8, Contact Details
Year 1/2 News Reading, Writing, Parent Helpers in the Classroom, Reminders, Important Dates, Learning Intentions, Timetables, Contact Details
Year 3/4 News Welcome, Religion, Reading, NAPLAN - Year 3 information, Week 7 & 8 Timetable, Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Contact Details
Year 5/6 News  Welcome, Fire Carriers Program , Writing, Maths, PBL, Learning Intentions, Timetable , NAPLAN - Year 5, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Library News
SPICE St Raphael's Playgroup is Back!, Children & carers engaging in Playgroup fun in 2021, SPICE Enrolment Forms
Information Technology @ St. Raphael's. Correct Use of ICT while at School., ICT User Agreement, Policy and Photo Permission Forms, eSmart, ICT Support
Science Education Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6, Science at home
Physical Education Athletics Trials for Years 3 - 6.
Visual Arts Every Face Has A Story... Listen!
Student Birthdays
Community News Thornbury High School Open Night, Marcellin College Open Day 27 March 2022, Teeth on Wheels, MORELAND ZEBRAS JUVENTUS, Better Health Program
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember TERM 1 Dates- Mon 28Jan- Fri 8 April

Published by St Raphael's School