Library News 

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge 2021

Certificates and badges were given out at our last assembly.

A big congratulations to all the following students for completing this year's challenge.


62 students completed the challenge reading a total of 2138 books. 

A wonderful achievement.


Our top readers for 2021

James Puccio    Rafael Finanzio    Isabella Christoff

Olivia Shadforth    Ethan O'Connor  Nevah O'Connor


All Participants

Year 5/6

Daniel Christoff            Natasha Carbone          Nathan Drazic      Nevah O'Connor


Year 3/4

Domenic Bettiol     Edwin Wootton       Ethan O'Connor        Huxley Allder   

Jasen Carbone      Nova Mynard        Olivia Shadforth


Year 1/2

Esther Wootton      Isabella Christoff       Naomi Ishikawa       Rafael Finanzio    

Sierra Pes    Stella Bettiol



James Puccio     Emmanuel Elbarbar    Alicia Sammut    Allegra Fragale

Benjamin Corless Clarke    Cara Filardo    Danny Avouris   Francesca Geronazzo

Gigi Tomasiello      Giuliano Ferrara       Isla O'Connor     Jackson Khoury

Jenelle Aranha      Lincoln Truong         Luca Marin        Lucas Costa

Marcus Whatt-Choojan     Nicholas Salera       Paul Farso       Samuel Wallace

Siena Raimondo         Sophie Nguyen        Xander Sapountzsis     Angela Toscano

Dante Mazzarella         Domenic Alivizatos       Emily Hayes     Francesca Ira

Indianna Regnani         Isla Dos Santos         James Box         Joe Taouk

Julian Folino          Lilly Karovski         Lincoln Routley        Luca Maiorano

Michael Pergaminos        Monique Midgley    Monte Dyson      Nadia Ogenovski

Nicholas Heeman     Savannah Johnson    Theodoro Nalpantidis    Zoe Riordan



The 2022 Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge is now open


If you wish for your child to enter the Challenge, please email me with their details:

Name, Class, Year level and Contact email address. Log in details will then be forwarded.




2022 CBCA Book Week Notables


Congratulations to all CBCA Notables Authors, Illustrators and Publishers for 2022.


Shortlist:  Announced at noon AEDT on Tuesday, March 29

Winner and Honour Books:  Announced at noon AEST on Friday, August 19




Contact details


Maria De Cata

Resource Officer/Education Support