St Raphael's Playgroup is Back!
It is with great pleasure we announce the return of SPICE (Supported Playgroup Lighting Children's Engagement). We welcome parents with children aged between 0-5 to enrol and become part of our Playgroup. There is no cost to join, you simply need to complete the enrolment form and be prepared to engage with your child/children and join in the fun!
Our Playgroup Session will commence in Term 2 and will run every Wednesday from 9:30am-11:30am. Please note, this date is different from the one advertised in last year's newsletter.
If you would like to participate in our Playgroup, please complete the attached enrolment forms below and either drop them off to the office or email them to our SPICE Coordinator (Lorraine Uzunovski).
We can't wait to meet our newest members of St Raphael's this year!
Lorraine Uzunovski- uzul@srprestonwest.catholic.edu.au
Children & carers engaging in Playgroup fun in 2021
SPICE Enrolment Forms