Information Technology @ St. Raphael's.

Shane Giese

Correct Use of ICT while at School.

It has come to our attention that students are not adhering to the ICT policy and user agreement while onsite at St. Raphael's.  In particular, using either 'messenger' on their iPads, messenger or communication programs on their Apple Watches (or similar) and/or using mobile phones.  At no point are students allowed to use any messaging app or device without teacher supervision at any time. 

As it states on Page 5 of the ICT User Agreement, "Students must not contact anyone (parents/guardians/friends) using a phone or mobile device during school hours. If a student needs to make contact, they must ask a teacher to go to the front office/reception and use the school telephone. Inappropriate use will result in confiscation of the device and taken to the front office where a parent or guardian must sign to collect at the end of the school day". By signing the ICT user agreement, students and parents have agreed to use their ICT devices accordingly. If any student needs to bring their mobile phones to school, it must be given to the front office where it can be stored in a safe location. It can be collected at the end of the day. Furthermore, if any student requires to contact a parent at anytime, they must go to reception and use the telephone. 

ICT User Agreement, Policy and Photo Permission Forms

Thank you to all parents and carers who have filled out their child's photo permission form and ICT permission form on Operoo.  There are only a handful of parents who have not filled out these forms.  If you have not yet filled out these forms, can you please ensure that you access Operoo and complete them as soon as possible. These forms, particularly the ICT policy and user agreement, ensure students use technology responsibly and aware of correct ICT use both at school, and whenever technology is used.


Several teachers participated in an eSmart professional development seminar last week.  As an accredited eSmart school, we understand the importance of a comprehensive Cyber Safety Program in which students will be expected to meet these guidelines. These guidelines are outlined in the ICT user policy and agreement forms. In conjunction with the Preston Police, later this Term or early next, we aim to conduct a student and parent information session about using technology online safely and responsibly. These dates are to be confirmed and will be sent to you in the coming weeks.  

ICT Support

Please email Shane Giese at: