St Raphael's School

Issue 5 · 08 Apr 2022

In this issue

Principal News Term Two Start Date, School Review, Term 2 Pick Up Arrangements, School Fee Discount
RE News Holy Week Timeline: From Palm Sunday to the Resurrection, The Way of the Cross, Holy Week Clip:, , Upcoming Event: Mother's Day- Friday 6th May from 2 pm-3.30 pm on school grounds.
Literacy Reading + Parents = Success, Writing During the Holidays
Mathematics Maths in the holidays
Student Wellbeing Aussie of the Month, Graziella Efe in 5/6D, House Points , Holiday Fun in Melbourne
Learning Diversity PSG Meetings Term 1, Holiday Fun Activities for children with ASD
Foundation News Term One Comes to an End, Learning in Foundation, Religion-The Events of Holy Week, Parent Helpers in the Classroom, Important Dates, Timetable- Term 2, Week 1 & 2, Term 2, Week 1 & 2 Learning Intentions, Contact Details
Year 1/2 News Arrivederci to Term 1, Celebration of Learning, Mathematics -Looking at Data, Wellbeing - Developing Positive Relationships, Holy Week, How Can We Keep Our Bodies Healthy?, Parent Helpers in the Classroom, Reminders, Important Dates, Learning Intentions & Timetables , Contact Details
Year 3/4 News Arriverderci Term one, Reading, Religion, Week 1 & 2 Timetable, Important Dates, Contact Details
Year 5/6 News  PBL Business pitch, Year 6 Leadership Program, Religion & Wellbeing, Holiday habits , Parent Helpers, Timetables, Important Dates, Contact Details
Library News
SPICE Commencement Date has Been Postponed, SPICE Enrolment Forms
Science Education Specialists Superstars Award, Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
Physical Education Inter School Sport, Cross Country, Swimming
Visual Arts Serata Insieme, Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
Uniform Shop
Community News St. Raphael's Basketball Club, School Band and Instrument Lessons, Preston Bullants Junior Football Club Auskick
Student Birthdays
Dates to Remember TERM 1 Dates- Mon 28Jan- Fri 8 April

Published by St Raphael's School