Year 5/6 News 

PBL Business pitch

This week has seen our Year 5/6 students become budding entrepreneurs as they pitched their business idea in a St.Raphael-style 'Shark Tank.' The students outlined the vision for their businesses and developed a detailed business plan addressing an identified problem within our local community. It was wonderful to see such dedication, commitment and enthusiasm to the business pitch - with students going above and beyond to persuade the 'Shark Tank' panel with prototypes, food samples and business flyers. 

We look forward to bringing some of these business ideas to fruition over the coming Term. 

Year 6 Leadership Program

The Year 6 students completed their second session with Mike Boyle as part of their formal leadership program. Within the session, students explored what leadership means and how a part of the brain (nicknamed 'the lizard') elicits fear. Students designed their own 'lizard' to overcome their fears, taking inspiration from a real-life special guest! 

We look forward to continuing to use the learnings gained from Mike Boyle in our Wellbeing sessions over the coming Term. 

Religion & Wellbeing

In Religion this fortnight, we have focused on Lent as a time of reflection and preparation before the celebration of Easter. Students have explored almsgiving, penance, prayer and fasting and created Art pieces and prayers inspired by Scripture. 

While our focus in Wellbeing has centered on our Emotions and how they can powerfully respond to a situation. Students took inspiration from the 'Inside Out' movie and created t

heir unique emotion character and identified three strategies to manage a particular emotion. 

Holiday habits 

We encourage students to continue to practice skills taught this term over the holiday period. Students should continue to regularly read a variety of texts (e.g. newspaper articles like the Herald Sun for Kids or visit the local library to try new books!)

We encourage students to engage in real-life Maths opportunities - reading timetables, following recipes, analysing maps! Essential Assessment will also be available to use over the holidays, enabling students to practice their automatic recall or revise skills taught this Term. 

Parent Helpers

We thank all those who have offered to support our students within our learning spaces. We have individually emailed all parent helpers the roster. If you did not receive the roster or your availability has changed, please let us know. We will continue to welcome new Parent Helpers and will update our roster accordingly. 


Please find our upcoming timetables. 


Please note our Learning Intentions for Week 1 & 2 will be sent early next Term. 


Important Dates

Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day (public holiday)

Monday 26th April -Term 2 commences

Wednesday 27th April - School Photos

Wednesday 27th April - Camp Information Zoom 4pm 

Thursday 28th April - School Open Day 9.30-10.30am & 2.30pm-3.30pm


Contact Details

5/6A  Maxwell Allan 


5/6D Anastasia Dullard 


5/6SV Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal

We kindly ask all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt. 


Support Shane Giese 


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.