Foundation News

Term One Comes to an End

Wow, it's hard to believe we have reached the final week in our first term of school together! Our Foundation students have come such a long way from those early days, and have really blossomed and flourished into school life. We have seen such great progress in the children both socially and academically throughout this term. We are very excited to see their potential continue to grow as the year progresses.


A friendly reminder that school will finish at 1pm this Friday afternoon, concluding Term 1 for the 2 week break. We hope everyone has a lovely and safe holiday period and that you.  enjoy celebrating Easter with loved ones. 


We look forward to welcoming the children back to school relaxed and refreshed on Tuesday 26th April, after the ANZAC Day public holiday.  


Learning in Foundation

Foundation students have spent time learning about length and measurement as part of their learning in Maths.  Students have learnt how to estimate by making 'good thinking' judgements as opposed to 'guessing'. They have then put their estimations into practice by measuring various objects both in and outside the classroom using informal units such as Unfix blocks, popsicle sticks and foot steps. The children worked together in small groups to practise this skill, and found great satisfaction when their estimates were very close to the final measurement! Here are some images of the children working together to measure different lengths using different materials. 


Religion-The Events of Holy Week

Students in Foundation have now concluded their learning in the story of Holy Week and Easter. Recently, Foundation students viewed images and read stories about Jesus' sacrifice on Good Friday with his passing, to the the joyous story of Easter and Jesus rising.


It has been very special to see the children go on the journey of the events of holy week and to learn the important messages these stories provide. The children have been reflecting on how they will remember Jesus this Easter, and what they can do to show their appreciation for all the sacrifices he made for us. The children completed a reflective drawing on how they would celebrate Jesus this Easter. Some themes in responses were that they would share a prayer on Easter to remember and thank Jesus and retell the story of Easter to their loved ones over a family lunch or dinner. It would be lovely to engage in these experiences with your children during the Easter period for the children to continue to grow their faith over this special period in our church calendar.

Parent Helpers in the Classroom

Thank you to the parents and grandparents who have volunteered to help in our learning space this year. We have sent out the roster via SkoolBag including odd weeks and even weeks. Please let your homeroom teacher know at your earliest convenience if you are unable to attend a session so we can modify the program accordingly. We will continue to update the roster once we have received all the required documentation. It is not too late to join us, so please if you are interested let us know and we will work to schedule you in.

Important Dates

Monday 25th April- ANZAC Day, school closed.

Tuesday 26th April- Term 2 commences.

Friday 29th April- Whole School Assembly


Timetable- Term 2, Week 1 & 2

Click on each attachment to find out what is happening during the first fortnight of Term 2.

Term 2, Week 1 & 2 Learning Intentions

Please note, Foundation Learning Intentions for Weeks 1 & 2 next term have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. These will be posted via Skoolbag Tuesday 26th April. We appreciate your understanding.

Contact Details

Lorraine Uzunovski (FL)

Michelle Slattery (FM)


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm