Visual Arts 

Contact: Allanah Sarafian -

Serata Insieme

This week the students will decorate a Venetian mask in preparation for our Italian arts and culture celebration "Serata Insieme" this Thursday after school. We will have a mask parade during the evening and the students are invited to show off their mask in a parade around Greenland. 



The Foundation students spent the last fortnight exploring different kinds of lines. They made drawing machines from CDs that drew squiggly lines all over their books. Then they made lines of different qualities (zig-zag, spiral, twisted, etc) by manipulating paper strips. They each made a 3D paper sculpture showing the different types of lines. The sculptures are now on display outside the staff room.

Year 1/2

The Year 1/2 students have been learning about the human body by turning a stick figure into a "sausage figure". They started by drawing the anatomy of a stick figure, then drew shapes (oval, triangle or rectangle) around the lines of the stick figure to give it the silhouette of a human body. They then made a flip animation by drawing a sausage figure in a different pose on either side of a piece of cardboard and inserting a skewer through the card. When the stick is rolled back and forth in the hands, it appears that the figure is jumping between 2 poses!

Year 3/4

The year 3/4s have been learning about line and pattern and practicing how to write about line and pattern in an artwork. The students created a checkerboard paper weaving with coloured paper, then describes what they saw. The students controbuted to a group poster of adjectives describing line and pattern. Those words were then used to write about the lines and patterns in their own work.

Year 5/6

The 5/6s have been learning about organic lines. Organic lines are lines that are found in nature and are almost never straight or angular. They brainstormed 5 different organic lines, then turned those lines into organic patterns by adding extra shapes and lines. The finished the activity by creating a zentangle - a black and white line drawing. The students were challenged to only use organic lines in their drawing. They firstly divided a large circle into sections, then filled each section with a different organic pattern.

Last week the 5/6 students did a tie-dye activity. They were encouraged to create a tie dye pattern using the colours of the Italian flag (green, red, white). They were challenged to keep part of the shirt white and mix blue and yellow dye together to create green. The shirts will be handed back this week and the students are invited to wear their tie dye to our Serata Insieme on Thursday evening.