Principal News

School Theme: LIGHT of HOPE

Dear Members of the St Raphael's school community,


As we approach the end of Term 1, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and say thank you to all the children, staff and parents for their ongoing commitment and support throughout this term. 

We would like to congratulate all of the students for their enthusiasm and engagement with their learning throughout the term. We look to the next term with great hope and excitement as we continue on the learning journey.


What a fantastic community celebration last night for our Serata Insieme. It was so wonderful to come together. It certainly has been a long time coming and we hope you enjoyed being back catching up with families and friends and meeting new members of our school community. 

A big thank you to Rose Drazic, Maria Mennillo, Anna Fedele and Alannah Sarafian for organising the evening. Also to Giuseppe and Sonia Colosimo and all of the parents who have volunteered to assist with the food stalls last night. And of course, the teachers who gave up their own time to be together as one whole school community. We look forward to more of these fun-filled community gatherings. 

Thank you to all of the parents who have sent such positive emails today thanking the staff for their efforts last night. It is appreciated. Grazie!

At this special time of our Liturgical Calendar, we pray for the people of Ukraine and to rejoice in the risen Christ.


We wish you a very happy and safe Easter holiday with your family. I hope you get some time to rest and enjoy time away with your family and friends.


We look forward to seeing you all back safely in Term 2. 

Term Two Start Date

A reminder that Term 2 will commence on Tuesday 26th April as Monday 25th ANZAC Day is a public holiday.

School Review

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our school review has been rescheduled to Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th of April. As a result of this, our scheduled school closure day on Friday 29th April has been cancelled and this will be a normal school day.  This school closure day will now take place on Tuesday 23rd August.

Term 2 Pick Up Arrangements

As of next term, we will no longer have staggered dismissal times.  All children will be dismissed at 3:30 pm from the two gates:

Surnames A - K from Breen St

Surnames L - Z from Cooper St

School Fee Discount

A reminder that there is a $200 discount off all 2022 school fees and levies if reconciled by 4 pm on Friday 29th April.