The Nurlendi News
At Vermont Primary School we are learning for our future.
We remember our responsibilities and care for everyone and the environment.
We honour and respect our school, our parents, our community and our country.
We strive to achieve our goals, and help others to achieve theirs.
Issue 20 · 01 Dec 2023
In this issue
From The Principals
Carols on the Lawn, Safety around the school, Working Bee thanks, Vermont Views, Lost Property, Parent Helper Morning Tea, End of Term 4 Arrangements
Important Dates and Special Events
Important Dates, Walk to School Fortnight
Important Dates, Uniform Orders, DE Parent Opinion Survey, New Funded Kindergarten Declaration Form, Transitions, Learning and Development Statements (TLDS), 4 YO Program, 3YO Programs, End of Year Celebrations
Important Dates, Class Party & Kris Kringle, USB for class videos, Library Books, Grade 1 Transition Day, Vermont Views, Christmas On The Lawn, Melbourne Zoo Excursion, Show & Tell Term 4
Year 1 and 2
The Final Countdown, Important Dates:, Topics Covered this Fortnight, READO , Christmas Party, Kris Kringle, 'Vermont Views' School Magazine, Indonesian Day, The Lifecycle of a Butterfly, Year 1 Excursion, Year 1 - Indonesian Day , Year 1 Number Math Fruit Cups
Year 3 and 4
Year 3, Year 4, Vermont Views, Important Dates:
Year 5 and 6
Grade 6 Graduation
Sustainable Christmas Wrapping
ROCK the SCHOOLYARD, Yr6 Graduation Disco, Digi Tech - THINK, Eastern Region Cricket Championships
A Guide to Online Bullying for Parents and Carers
Reading is Thinking, Fortnightly Segments
Student Council
'The Great Book Swap' of Vermont Primary!
Vermont Dads Group
Community Noticeboard