Wantirna College Newsletter

We strive, we achieve, we excel

Issue 10 · 26 Jul 2024

In this issue

Dates to Remember July 2024, August 2024, September 2024
Principal Team Editorial 'If they like the subject, they will have a greater chance of experiencing success.'
Learning & Teaching Curriculum Day - Teacher Professional Development Day , Semester 1 Reports , Semester 1 Academic Awards Evening, Logging into Maestro
Mamma Mia
ES Staff in the Spotlight
Senior School Key Dates:, Centre of Higher Education Studies (CHES), My First Speech Competition
Dress Up Day & Capture the Flag
NT Tour 2024
VCE VM Literacy Building a Strong Community for the Future, Infographic Posters
Career & Pathways Curriculum & Pathways Information Evening, Subject selection, VTAC Assembly, USI (Unique Student Identifer), Career News
Uni/TAFE Visits
High Achieving Student Programs
Careers Incursion
Creative Flag Project Year 7 Students Master Measurement through the Creative Flag Project
Australian Maths Comp
Health, PE & Sport State Cross Country Results 
Art & Technology 9/10 Integrated Systems Engineering, Hydrogen Grand Prix Race Day
Performing Arts Important Dates, Mamma Mia, Kindy Visit, Target Audience Performing LIVE - Lunchtime Tue 6 Aug
News from the Library Reader's Notes, Library Leaders, Term 3 Resident Writers, Placement student in the Library, Lunchtime Clubs 2024
Marrung News NT Tour 2024, Book Drive, Culturally Safe Supports and Services
Wellbeing  Let’s Talk About Perfectionism, Youth Support Services 
Parent Wellbeing  How Perfectionism in Teens Affects Mental Health, Three Types of Toxic Perfectionism, How Perfectionism and Anxiety Reinforce Each Other, Help your child focus on what they can control, Parent Support Services, Youth Support Services 
General Information General Office / Reception, 2024 Staff Contacts, Student Absences, Arriving Late to School, Early Departure from School, Year 12 study periods, Uniform Shop, Library Hours, Lost Property, Student Pick up and Drop Off, College Vision, College Policies, Wantirna College
Community News

Published by Wantirna College