Dress Up Day & Capture the Flag

Year 12

At the end of last term, on Tuesday 25 June, the Year 12’s had their ‘Rhyme Without a Reason’ themed dress up day. This entailed many pairs and trios who dressed to impress such as ‘Princess Diana’ accompanied by ‘Oceania’, ‘Hannah Montana’ and ‘Nanna’. The standout pair was ‘Listerine’ and ‘Mr Clean’.


In addition to the Dress Up day, the Year 12s took on their own teachers with a game of Capture the Flag on the COLA. The event was met with a supportive crowd of spectators and pumping music. Shout out to Miss Mackenzie, Mr Horner, Mr Brooks, Mr Martin, Mr Collings and Mr Hawkins who joined Capture the Flag. 


After a competitive game, the students conquered, walking away victorious. As Year Level Captains, we thank our lovely Year Level Leaders, Miss Zhang and Miss M, on behalf of the cohort for organising yet another successful event for the year 12’s!


Kesiah Rawlings, Bianca Mizzi, Kate Elliott, Chloe Roldan and Poppy Coppens 

Year 12 Year Level Captains