Uni/TAFE Visits

Year 10

On Wednesday 24 July, all Year 10 students set off on our annual University and TAFE tours, with students visiting one of the following combinations:


Tour 1: Monash University/University of Melb

Tour 2: Monash University/Deakin University

Tour 3:  Deakin Uni/Australian Catholic Uni

Tour 4: RMIT University/Swinburne University

Tour 5: Victoria Uni/William Angliss Institute

Tour 6: Box Hill Institute/Chisholm Institute


The purpose of this excursion is to expose students to tertiary education – to essentially get them to set foot on two campuses to see what life is like as a tertiary student and what is available to them after Secondary School.  Additionally, we hope that these tours can assist students with their subject selection as they consider prerequisites for the institutions they wish to study at, or as they get to see how VET runs during their VCE program.


Although it was a tiring day for all with lots of walking and information overload, it was great to see how excited the students were about the prospects available to them.  For some students, they were lucky enough to be visit Monash University or Victoria University during O-Week (mid-year orientation) – meaning lots of free food!  For others, they took the opportunity to interact with some TAFE students at Chisholm Institute, asking to join their basketball game, and subsequently demolishing the adults in a 3v3 game! 


We could tell it was a successful day when our teachers on the excursions came bursting into our office with a level of excitement we haven’t seen in a while – shout out to Mr Black in particular!  We heard good reports all around about student behaviour and engagement and are really proud to have had our Year 10 cohort represent our College in such a manner.


Some words from students:

Visiting Monash and Deakin University was an amazing experience, as I want to study Law outside of high school, I got to check out the amazing law buildings that they had to offer at the universities. The tours around the universities were engaging and interesting, we got to ask questions about any courses we want to study and ask students that currently study at the universities their experiences and what it is like to be a student. ~ Ashton Hardie


Having the brilliant opportunity to tour Monash and Deakin universities assisted in providing valuable insight into university life and what they have to offer. This experience allowed me and my peers to explore potential options for future pathways post high school via interactive tours. The tours included question asking and answering, views of the facilities within the school, the offered educational courses, student experiences, potential scholarships, and general information about the university. Overall, it was engaging and beneficial as it significantly helped with subject selection and understanding my desired future. ~ Ashley Dennis


Visiting Box Hill and Chisholm was very insightful the experience helped me gain a clearer understanding of VET courses and the various career paths I could take. Seeing the range of opportunities available to us was eye-opening and provided me with a much broader perspective on my future options making me feel more informed about my choices. ~ Alannah Nygaard


Jessie Dennison

Careers Practitioner