St Raphael's School

Issue 13 · 31 Aug 2022

In this issue

Principal News Father's Day Celebration, School Concert, Parent/Teacher Interviews - Week 10 , School Advisory Board (SAB) Positions Available, Community Liason Committee (CLC) Positions Available, Welcoming our Community Back, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS), Important End of Year Date Changes, Parent Voice Gathering, MACS NCZ Principal Immersion Experience, 2022 School Fees Due
RE News Catholic Life, Fidelity to Mission and Working Together., Sacrament of First Reconciliation, Whole School Assembly and Level Masses
Literacy SMART Spelling Rules, Book Week Celebration Day, Melbourne Writer's Festival
Mathematics Foundation - Year 2 Game of the Fortnight: , In the spotlight: Multiplication in Years 3-6 
Tournament of Minds
Student Wellbeing Behaviour Management Policy
Learning Diversity
Foundation News Book Week, Fire Fighters Visit, Religion, Father's Day Celebrations, Important Dates, Weekly Timetables, Learning Intentions, Contact details
Year 1/2 News Artist In Residence, Book Week 2022 - 'Dreaming With Eyes Open', Spelling Homework - Week 9 & 10, Learning Intentions and Timetables, Reminders, Important Dates, Contact Details
Year 3/4 News Book Week Celebration, Artist in Residence, Reader's Theatre, Learning Intentions & Timetable, Important Dates, Contact Details
Year 5/6 News  Debating, RE/Wellbeing , CERES Excursion , Parent Helpers, Melbourne Writer's Festival, Writer's Festival Volunteers, Year 6 2023 Important Reminders, Learning Intentions, Timetable , Important Upcoming Dates, Contact Details 
School Dance Concert Ticket Sales, Participation , Logistics of School Event
Library News
SPICE-Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement Welcome to Our Newest Members, Playing Together
Science Education National Science Week, Glass: More than meets the eye, Foundation , Year 1/2 , Year 3/4 , Year 5/6
Physical Education 2022 Dance Performance, PDPSSA Athletics Carnival
Community News LEARNINGLAND  Classes available, School Band and Instrument Lessons
Student Birthdays BIRTHDAYS
Uniform Shop
Dates to Remember Term 3, Term 4

Published by St Raphael's School