Science Education

Julie Garbutt:

National Science Week

Glass: More than meets the eye


All students participated in National Science Week in week 6. Foundation students observed sand using a magnifying glass and created labelled diagrams of their observations. Year 1/2 students identified objects made of glass in the science room and described the properties of glass.  Year 3/4 and 5/6 students explored the viscosity of honey at different temperatures. Honey and molten glass share an interesting property. They are both thicker when cold and runny when hot. 


Foundation students continued to learn that different materials have observable properties. Students designed and then created their party hat, using and describing three different decorations. 

Year 1/2 

Students did not participate in science as it was a student-free day.

Year 3/4 

 Students continued their learning about contact and non contact forces. Students collaboratively made their game that uses magnetism. Students worked well in their teams and are looking forward to playing their games. 

Year 5/6

Students continued their learning that sudden geological events can change the Earth's surface. Students had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of volcanoes as both creators and destroyers.