

Catholic Life, Fidelity to Mission and Working Together.

Educators in Catholic schooling carry forward the mission of sharing the gospel within the context of the school's life. At the heart of their mission is a living witness to Jesus Christ, whose new life of communion with God is to be shared mercifully and courageously. A Catholic school is a place of encounter with that divine love-God, the spirit that is within a person and the education that fosters and helps children to grow in wisdom (Melbourne Archdiocese).


Authentic relationships between the three dimensions of lifelong Christian education-family, school and parish- are central to who we are as managers of the gospel. The role of the school and its stakeholders is to strengthen the mission and lived experience and serve students and their families in operating in a context of the Catholic faith that promotes the formation of identity and engages in dialogue with that faith (CEM, 2017, p.4).


Catholic school learning is steeped in the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Church. Where the quality of the education matches parents' aspirations for their child and where the child is enabled to be a 'beacon of goodness, integrity and justice in the world'. This is the beginning of Catholic school life and working together in mission.

Sacrament of First Reconciliation

We ask that our community keep in their prayers all the children who will be receiving their First Reconciliation. On Thursday1st September,  30 children in Year 4 will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This is an important time in their faith journey.

The First Rite will be conducted in the church using the side chapel. 

We ask God to bless and look over each and every one of our children today and always.

Whole School Assembly and Level Masses

We welcome the opportunity to be able to gather together as a community and celebrate whole school events, particularly assemblies and Masses.


For the remainder of the term and extending into the next term, the school will open its gate (Breen St) at 2.30 pm before every assembly and provide the opportunity for parents/families to socialise and get to know one another in an informal manner. 


Assemblies are held on fortnightly Fridays at 2.45 pm in the school hall during the winter months.  We will return to conducting assemblies outside if the weather permits. We invite all families to join us on this fortnightly occasion where we can celebrate the children's learning and achievements and be a community. 


We invite families to join us at our Year level Mass or Whole School Mass. Level Masses occur once a term per year level.

For the remainder of the Term, level Masses will be held on;

 Wednesday 31st August at 10 am -Year 5/6 level.

Next term a new roster for level Masses will be published in the newsletter;-families are welcome