
Melanie Pizzonia 

SMART Spelling Rules

What is the smart spelling approach?

SMART Spelling incorporates both the systematic teaching of spelling each week and also personal words. We teach in patterns as much as possible, so teachers choose a range of words (from simple to complex). Students are then guided to choose from that list, to meet different needs. Part of the smart spelling approach is teaching the students 4 key spelling rules. The spelling rules are accompanied by actions to help students remember them. Watch the video below to become aware of the rules and actions so you too can understand what your child is learning. 



Book Week Celebration Day

Thank you to all of the students, staff and parents that contributed to making Book Week 2022 a magical experience. The students all got involved in the activities presented to them throughout the week. Some activities included book responses, writing narratives and producing screen plays. Our Friday celebration day included a performance presented to F-6, our Book Week parade and special assembly.  It was a great way to end such an engaging week of literacy learning. Enjoy some of our photos from the performance 'The Labyrinth in the Library';



Melbourne Writer's Festival

On Thursday 1st of September, 20 Year 5/6 students will visit the State Library to take part in the annual Writer's Festival.  The students will be treated to fun and interactive events featuring Australian Children’s Laureate Gabrielle Wang, prize-winning poet and Gunai woman Kirli Saunders, award-winning author and illustrator Katrina Nannestad, and math teacher and Wootube founder Eddie Woo


Can the students attending please arrive at school at 8:30am dressed in their full school uniform and bring along their lunch, drink bottle and snack in a small backpack. If it is raining, please bring along a raincoat.  We hope to arrive at the State Library at 9:45am, ready for the first of the 4 sessions at 10am. There will be a break between the morning and afternoon sessions for lunch. 

The final session finishes at 2pm and we will arrive back at school at 3:30pm. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.