Year 5/6 News

It has been a buzz of events and activities for Year 5/6 over the past fortnight with students engaging in the Artist in Residence program, a visit from Preston Police, the Debating Tournament, District Athletics, Book Week, Concert Practice, and an excursion to CERES!
On Wednesday 17th August, St. Raphael’s hosted a Debating Competition run by the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV). The students engaged in three rounds of debate with each debate overseen by an Adjudicator from the DAV. Our team competed against students from Gilson College, Bell Primary, Hume Anglican Grammar, and Al Taqwa College.
Well done to Georgia E, Stephanie, Livio, Alyssa, Zoe, Odessa, Jennifer, Marcus, Luca, Pierce, Alessia, Laila, Nicholas, Orlando and Sabine who proudly represented St. Raphael’s across the three debates.
The three topics debated on the day included:
- That we should ban spelling test
- That we should try to bring back extinct species of animals
- That Superheroes are bad role models
A special well done to Zoe who was awarded ‘Best Speaker’ in one of the debates.
In continuing on with connecting to our Indigenous Artist last week and integrating ideas and concepts throughout the curriculum, our Religion this week took inspiration from the picture story book - 'Finding Our Heart.' This picture book told a story about the Uluru Statement for young Australians. Students then reflected on this statement and text, creating an image which resonated with them.
CERES Excursion
While the weather may not have been kind, the students headed to CERES on Monday to explore 'farming for our future.' The focus of the program supported our PBL learning around sustainable farming practices and the future of food sourcing. Unfortunately due to the persistent rain the program was modified, however the students made the most of what was available. The importance of soil quality, crop rotation and reduced food miles were some of the concepts the students explored. They were also able to create their own pot and plant which they were lucky enough to take home with them. Overall it was a terrific hands on experience for the students which reinforced their prior learning.
Parent Helpers
Parent Helpers needed!We require Parent Helpers to assist us in our learning space. We understand that work commitments may be a hindering factor in your ability to help, so we feel in our current climate there can be flexibility for our parent roster. We will have weekly Skoolbag alerts inviting you to be a Parent Helper each week. We will provide a Parent Helper checklist designed to support you in the different subjects areas. This can be collected at the front office on the day.
We invite you to support the children's learning this week during the following times:
- Wednesday 31st - 10am Join us for level Mass in the Church, 2.30pm Maths
- Thursday 1st - 9.15am Reading, 10am Maths
As part of our school policy, all Parent Helpers must have a current Working with Children check and have completed the Parent Induction session. (If you have not attended the session, please let us know and we are more than happy to run a session for you).
If you are available to support during the above times, please email your child's Homeroom Teacher. We look forward to seeing you!
Melbourne Writer's Festival
On Thursday 1st of September, 20 Year 5/6 students will visit the State Library to take part in the annual Writer's Festival. The students will be treated to fun and interactive events featuring Australian Children’s Laureate Gabrielle Wang, prize-winning poet and Gunai woman Kirli Saunders, award-winning author and illustrator Katrina Nannestad, and math teacher and Wootube founder Eddie Woo.
Can the students attending please arrive at school at 8:30am dressed in their full school uniform and bring along their lunch, drink bottle and snack in a small backpack. If it is raining, please bring along a raincoat. We hope to arrive at the State Library (by tram) at 9:45am, ready for the first of the 4 sessions at 10am. There will be a break between the morning and afternoon sessions for lunch.
The final session finishes at 2pm and we will arrive back at school at 3:30pm.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Writer's Festival Volunteers
Thank you to the parents who volunteered to attend the Writer's Festival this week. We had an overwhelming response, and made sure that to keep it fair for all names were drawn out of a hat. We have contacted the parents that were chosen by email.
Year 6 2023 Important Reminders
Year 6 2023 Graduation uniform orders due Monday!Please find attached the note regarding Graduation Uniform wear which went home last week. A friendly reminder that all orders are due by Monday 5th September.
Please find the note attached which went home on Friday regarding the upcoming Foundation 2023 Information session on Thursday 1st September.
Learning Intentions
Important Upcoming Dates
Thursday 1st September - Melbourne Writer's Festival
Friday 2nd September - Father's Day Celebration & Assembly (2pm - 3.30pm)
Tuesday 6th September - Dance Concert Full Dress Rehearsal@St Raphael's
Wednesday 7th September - Maths Olympiad
Thursday 8th September - Division Athletics
Friday 9th September - Dance Concert Rehearsals and Performance@Loyola College
Monday 12th - Thursday 15th September - Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 16th September - Last Day of Term (1pm finish)
Contact Details
5/6A - Maxwell Allan
5/6D - Annie Dullard
5/6SV - Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.