Northern Bay College Newsletter

Growth | Collaboration | Persistence | Kindness

Issue 25 · 28 May 2023

In this issue

From the Principals Desk KINDNESS - Annual ANZAC ceremony, PERSISTENCE – 2022 Annual Report, GROWTH - Wellbeing Camp, COLLABORATION - Community Event, COLLABORATION - Education Week @ NBC, GROWTH –Year 5 / 6 Reconciliation Event, GROWTH - Student participation, KINDNESS - NBC Students Acknowledged, GROWTH - Vocational Major & Victorian Pathways Certificate, GROWTH - Congratulations, PERSISTENCE  - The Goldsworthy Build, COMMUNICATION
Education Week Some Feedback from Wexford Year 5 and 6
The New Pathways
Special Events and Celebrations ANZAC DAY, Wangala Balit Ngarrwa - Excursion, Koorie Aspirations Day
Year 10 -12 Community LETS TALK ABOUT 23!, Year 10 Science, Year 12 Girls’ Fitness Group, VCE .. the story so far. , VM and VCP Launch, Year 11 Outdoor Education, Season of Excellence - Arts and Technology, Year 10 Foods of the World
Year 7 - 9 Community Geelong Tertiary Futures Program for Year 9, How we use Chromebooks in the 7/8 Learning Communities, Year 9 Mentor Leaders, Year 9 Food Studies, Year 9 Foods of the World AND Year 7 / 8 Specialist Food Technologies, Year 9 Foods of the World, Year 7 - 8 Food Technologies, Year 9 Music, The 7 -8 SPECIALIST PROGRAM hosted at the GITTC, Year 9 Careers Panel May 2023
Year 3 - 6 Community ANZAC POEMS, Making Advertising Jingles, Anzac Biscuits, Incursion on Immigration to Australia, Cross Country and P-8 Athletics Carnival, Wexford Campus yard Clean-Up, A little bird told us.................we were very kind!, Year 5/6 ERP Geography Showcase Term 1, Hand writing
Prep - 2 Community Investigations across our campuses, A BIG WELCOME TO ?????
Program News Extended School Day , PERFORMING and VISUAL ARTS IN P-8, Year 10 IMPACT, YEAR 6 SEEDLINGS
Family Learning Centre The Family Centre
Community Hub Did you know that Northern Bay College has 2 Community Hubs?
The 2023 Years 7-12 Athletics Carnival
Community Messages PLEASE BE SAFE - Message from PTVictoria, Geelong Settle Well - Tutor Volunteer Program, Hockey!
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Published by Northern Bay p-12 College