Kinross Wolaroi Family Bulletin


Term 3 | Week 6 · 26 Aug 2020

In this issue

Message from the Principal Student Congratulations
Message from the Head of Junior School Term 3 | Week 6
From the Chaplain Greetings to the families of KWS
From the Business Manager Outside School Hours Care
Message from the Director of Boarding Student Leadership, House allocations for 2021, Laundry, Year 12 farewells, End of Term arrangements
Junior School Assembly Awards Merit Awards, Courtesy Points, Citizenship Points
Senior School Performing Arts HSC Drama Showcase, Year 10 Lunchtime Concert, Strings Concert: Know your ABCs, Year 9 Class Concert, Class of 2019: Olivia Mirrington 
Junior School Performing Arts Ensemble Alterations and Cancellations, Dance, Girl Power String Trip!, Bucket Drumming, “Know your ABCs” Concert: Thursday 20 August
Senior School Sport Cricket, Uniform, Pre-Season Schedule, Centenary Cup
Junior School Sport House Football Tournament, Term 4 Sport Choices 2020, ODJCA Cricket for Year 4-6, Squad Swimming, Swimming - Year 2 only, Summer Sport Years 3-6, Swim School – Kindergarten to Year 1 – late Term 4
Career News University of Newcastle, UNSW, TAFE, Careers in Mining, Job hunting tips for becoming an Apprentice, Engineering careers, KWS Careers website
Important Notices Year 11 Final Examinations, Summer Uniforms for Term 4, Clothing Pool system change, Year 10 Girls - Kilt fittings, Canteen News, Duke of Edinburgh, Junior School Father's Day Stall, Cox Avenue traffic flow, Junior School dates for your diary
News from around our School No secret herbs and spices needed, After School Care fun

Published by Kinross Wolaroi School