From the Chaplain

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

Greetings to the families of KWS


The reading this week is about love.


When I was younger - and with more rebellious tendencies - I used to question this Christian call to love. It seemed trite. I could see the complexities of practicing love in context, and I wondered why everyone thought it was the answer to everything! However, I have grown to see the true miracle of it. 


In this text in Romans Ch 12 from verse 9, Paul is writing to the new Christian community in Rome. They are racked with conflict as they try to negotiate what this new faith means to their practical lives and culture. As is usual, everyone has different ideas.


Paul encourages them to love one another, to not be proud, to serve one another, to persevere in community and to live in hope. He tells them to focus on what is good and to not repay evil for evil, but to live in harmony. He says, “Let your love be genuine.” 


We all need our egos to help us navigate work and life – but we also need to put our egos in our pockets at times. By doing this we make the space we need to see ourselves and others differently. This space frees us to genuinely love.


Loving God
In the deepest parts of ourselves, 
in that place of “unthought of thoughts”, 
help us to know you love us - just as we are;
and then help us to love one another.


Have a wonderful fortnight. God bless you, and all those you hold dear.


Mosaic on the sidewalk on the corner of Hastings St and Main St, Vancouver, Canada
Mosaic on the sidewalk on the corner of Hastings St and Main St, Vancouver, Canada



Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke
