Message from the 

Head of Junior School

Mr Rob McLean

Term 3 | Week 6


In last week’s newsletter I mentioned the resilience demonstrated by our students in coping so well with all the changes that are occurring. 


The staff have had to make many adjustments with our Performing Arts area in the spotlight with the restrictions on choirs, woodwind and now brass instruments. 

In choir we had been following guidelines in relation to social distancing but we were allowed to sing. Unfortunately, this has now changed but rather than cancel our Year 1/2 and 3/4 choirs they will be learning to hand sign to music. Students will be using AUSLAN which is the major sign language of the Australian deaf community. We are also fortunate to have the expertise of Mrs Megan Price, a parent and audiologist who will assist through MS Teams. Our 5/6 choir will also be “changing tack” and having lessons with body percussion. We are all quite excited to see how the students perform. 


Unfortunately we had to cancel our Performing Arts Concert earlier in the year. We are working on an alternative so that parents still have the opportunity to enjoy what has been happening throughout the year.


As you know, this term would normally be full of musicals and performances across our stages. These may occur next term but again in a different presentation than in previous years. We’ll keep you informed. 


This week we are conducting our assemblies and chapels in stages as per the requirements. This means a K-2, 3/4 and 5/6 assembly and likewise for our chapel services. These gatherings are only 15 minutes in length with the classes presenting work from the previous week and some individual performances in Speech & Drama or on violin. Some changes have given opportunity to trial different ways of doing things and may even remain when ‘normality’ returns. 


At Assembly we acknowledged the following students:

  • Jack Dale - Citizenship  Award (Week 5)
  • Matthew Lowther - Principal's Award (Week 5)
  • Alby Kimmins - Commitment Award (Week 6)
  • Janette Proudford-Nalder - Courtesy & Respect Award (Week 6)
  • Grace Segger - Principal's Award (Week 6)
  • Charlie Haydon - Principal's Award (Week 6)

Enjoy your week.



Mr Rob McLean

Head of the Junior School