Important Notices

Year 11 Final Examinations


The Year 11 Final examinations will be taking place in Weeks 8 and 9, Monday 7 September – Wednesday 16 September.


Students have been emailed their own personalised timetable and the complete timetable has also been made available on FROG and the Year 11 Teams page.


All students should read the attached document that contains important details regarding exam rules and logistical information for the exam period.


Please see below some important information regarding illness and misadventure. For further details, please consult the assessment policy which is also available via the Year 11 portal on FROG.

  • If a student is absent owing to illness, a doctor's certificate must be emailed to the Director of Studies (DOS) with details of the exam missed, and if feasible an alternative time for the missed examination will be organised.
  • In the event of an absence due to isolation requirements such as those of Covid-19, a doctor’s certificate or a letter from an appropriate health professional that details the dates of required isolation will be required.
  • If a student arrives late for an examination, they will not be given additional time to complete the examination; they will finish the examination at the same time as the rest of the group
  • If a student is absent from an examination for a reason other than illness/misadventure (eg: misreading the timetable, sleeping in, etc), the student should contact the Director of Studies  as soon as possible; the examination should be rescheduled to the next available session but the student will be penalised 30% of the marks awarded for the examination.


Mrs Lucy Collett

Director of Studies

Summer Uniforms for Term 4

Please note that female students are required to wear summer uniforms in Term 4 (starting 13 October).


This includes:

  • Summer blouse
  • Summer tunic
  • White fold down socks
  • Straw hat
  • Criss cross tie (Year 11-12 only)
  • Summer A-line dress (Junior girls only).

Male uniforms to remain the same.


Gail Pearce & Sharron Ryan

KWS Shop

Clothing Pool system change


With the upgrade to the uniform shop due to be implemented at the start of Term 4, the school Clothing Pool will go through a few changes to align with Noone Imagewear’s procedures and policies.


The Clothing Pool will be continuing with a selected range of second-hand items to be sold by Noone Imagewear through the uniform shop. Anyone wishing to leave future consigned items will be required to supply contact details. 


Accepted second-hand clothing pool items to be retained for resale by Noone Imagewear are as follows: Blazer, Kilt, Tunic, Jumpers, Sports Jacket and Anoraks. 


All other currently consigned non-saleable clothing pool items may be collected by families up until 18 September after which, all non-saleable items will be donated to an appropriate charity or disposed of.


Anyone requiring collection of consigned non-saleable clothing pool items are asked to contact Gail or Sharron on 02 6392 0385 or alternatively email no later than 18 September.


Due to current Covid-19 conditions please be reminded that parents and guardian are not permitted on the school campus.


Thank you for your continued support.


Gail Pearce & Sharron Ryan

KWS Shop

Year 10 Girls - Kilt fittings

Current Year 10 female students will require a kilt for 2021. The kilt is a custom made to measure item. All Year 10 female students are advised to visit the school shop for a measure and fitting.


Orders must be in placed by Thursday 3 September 2020.


Gail Pearce & Sharron Ryan

KWS Shop

Canteen News

Please note that lunch orders for Senior School students are still available and will be delivered to the year groups. Lunches must be ordered through Flexischools online, as there is no counter service available at the moment. Orders must be placed by 11am.


Stephanie Horan

Canteen Manager

Duke of Edinburgh


The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a voluntary program offered at KWS. The Duke of Edinburgh is a non-competitive self-development international program available to all young people which encourages them to set and achieve goals at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations. 


In 2020, as a Wellbeing initiative the Year 9 cohort are encouraged to complete the “Bronze level” of the Award. KWS will pay the $150 registration fee for each Year 9 student as KWS acknowledges the benefits to the individual and community of undertaking the Award. In accepting this offer participants will need to complete their Bronze award in 2020. If you are currently in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 and are thinking about completing the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award please come and see Mr Callaghan. 


“Duke drop in Fridays” are every Friday of the Term in Room 94 of the Anderson Centre at 1:00pm.


If you have any questions please contact Mr Liam Callaghan, via:


Mr Liam Callaghan

Co-ordinator Duke of Edinburgh Award

Junior School Father's Day Stall

On Wednesday 2 September, the Junior School will be running their annual Father's Day Stall, kindly assisted by the Prefects and House Captains. All gifts will be $5, with students allowed to initially purchase 1 gift each. If there are gifts left over, we will run a ‘Second Chance Stall’ the following day.  


To help us with the safe handling of cash, it would be appreciated if parents could send the correct money in a labelled envelope or zip lock bag. Students will attend the stall in class groups, with teachers keeping a list of gifts chosen by the students to ensure that siblings purchase something different to each other.  


Every year the students love having the opportunity to go shopping by themselves and we look forward to helping them celebrate their families.  


Thank you in anticipation of your support. 


Emma Charlton

Stage 3 Coordinator

Cox Avenue traffic flow

We have had complaints to the School regarding traffic build up in Cox Avenue primarily after sport. Cars turning into the school are blocking the road and we are informed police have been advised. 


We strongly suggest entry to the School through the Bathurst Road entrance after sport as an alternate route to ease the congestion at the Cox Avenue entrance gate.


One difficulty in ensuring a flow are the number of cars arriving early and blocking the road up to the gym. Staff have been instructed to move you on so there is full access for students at the pick-up zone. 


Students will be at the pick-up ready for collection from 4:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. 


The congestion has arisen with all K-6 doing sport with all children collected by cars and no-one catching buses. 


We ask for your support as we try to assist with the flow of traffic and prevent parents being issued with fines for impeding traffic. 


Mr Rob McLean

Head of Junior School

Junior School dates for your diary


2 Sep – Father’s Day stall 

24 Sep – Term 3 concludes

25 Sep – Pupil Free Day

13 Oct – Term 4 commences 


Gail Kennewell