Senior School 

Performing Arts

 Mrs Jacqueline Shields

HSC Drama Showcase


The HSC Drama Showcase held on Friday 14 August was a night showcasing the Individual Major Work Performances and Projects of the 2020 HSC Drama students. The evening consisted of 8 individual performances ranging from psychopaths and murders, a court jesters last speech, to the hilarious shenanigans that take place in an office or an exploration of the fragility of the human mind. In addition to this was the display of a Costume Design project and a Director’s Folio located in the foyer of the Performing Arts building. 


The audience consisted of students in Year 12, elective Drama students and a number of staff who were treated to some stand out performances as well as delicious treats at intermission which were kindly provided by Year 11 Hospitality students and Ms Youll. 


It was a wonderful event that gave the students a valuable performance opportunity in preparation for the final HSC Performance exam which will take place on 1st September.  


Well done Year 12 Drama! 


Special thanks must be given to Year 11 Hospitality and Ms Youll, as well as Ben Wark, Mitch Colton and their amazing IT team. 



Ms Dunkley

Drama Teacher 

Year 10 Lunchtime Concert


Year 10 Music recently performed to a crowd of supportive students in a lunchtime playground concert.  Whilst there were some behind the scenes nerves, Year 10 did themselves proud, performing a range of contemporary and classical works.  We’re hoping to repeat the event on a more regular basis when restrictions ease a little. 


Strings Concert: Know your ABCs


Last Thursday was the first of Mrs Moxey’s ‘Know your ABCs’ concerts. Every year in the lead up to her students AMEB examinations, Mrs Moxey’s students have the opportunity to perform their List A, B or C in these concerts. It took on a very different look this COVID year as students performed in Stages to each other and parents were unable to attend. Instead parents were sent videos of their child’s performance so that they didn’t miss out. 

Mrs Moxey was very proud of every child’s performance and is looking forward to Weeks 7 and 9 when more students will perform. 


Please take the time to listen to some of the performances below: 

Year 9 Class Concert


Further COVID restrictions meant that the planned Year 9 Lunchtime Concerts have been postponed.  Instead, the talented Year 9 class took the opportunity to play for each other in class.  We are planning to video performances in the future so that parents and friends are still able to listen in. Following are some photos of the concert. 

Class of 2019: Olivia Mirrington 


Olivia Mirrington (Class of 2019) and Mr Key recently streamed a live concert through the Dotted Eight recording studio. Click here to listen to some lovely music




Mrs Jacqueline Shields 

Head of Performing Arts