Junior School

Assembly Awards

Merit Awards

KB: Week 5 – Adeline Delbridge, Michael Gurr, Sophie Kerdic, Grace Monaghan. 

Week 6 – Mezen Jalal, Morgan Zinga, Phoebe Westcott. 

1C: Week 5 – Lily Curran, James Proudford-Nalder. 

Week 6 – Julian Capanas, Angus Boyd, Lucy Austen, Finlay Simpson, Liam McCormack. 

1W: Week 5 – Willa Dunlop, Felix Knox, Emily Lawrie, Winona Wade. 

Week 6 – Nicos Cassimaty, Lachlan Hunt, Sadie Kimmins, Sophia Martin, Olive McLaurin. 

2E: Week 5 – Daniel Kerdic x 2, William O’Connell, Leopold Wade.

2S: Week 5 – Grace Lowther, Sebastian Marquez, Andie Zinga. 

Week 6 – Harper Purvis. 

3W:  Week 5 – Nicholas Balcomb, Charlie Haydon, Harry Price, Cassandra Philippe. 

Week 6 – Samuel Adetifa, Zaro Jalal, Samuel Marvasti, Andrew Bell, James Jones, Cassandra Philippe, Chrysalide Frecklington, Mia Martin, Janette Proudford-Nalder. 

4P: Week 5 – Sophie Caro, Aurora Everett, Charlotte Williams. 

Week 6 – Samuel Commins, Henry Quigley, Nicolette Saran.

5C: Week 6 – Audrey Blyth, Chloe Provost. 

6H: Week 6 – Spencer Williams, Poppy O’Hehir-Corones, Olivia Wilson, Maddison Lawry, Lucinda Nash, Ava Healey, James McRae, Lexi Wilkin, Hamish Slack-Smith, Rose Hedley, Olivia Watts, Charlie Davis. 

6S: Week 5 – Bukunmi Adetifa, Thomas Goodsir x 2, Zoe Harmer, Lachlan Knight, Alexandra Luxford, Charlie Swift x 2.

Courtesy Points

Lovely Manners: Week 5 – Mackenzie Austen, Grace Harvey, Prayan Dulal, Harriett Johnston, Crispin Downs, Oscar Pigot, Charlotte Williams, Alice Scholte, Zoe Harmer. 

Week 6 – Claire Gordon, Mahi Bohra, Spencer Williams, Milla O’Toole, Jack Piggott, Alexandra Whitehead.

Lovely Greetings: Week 5 – Janette Proudford-Nalder, Pixie Harmer, Nicolette Saran, Ingrid West. 

Thinking of Others: Week 6 – Joshua Westcott, Thomas O’Connell, Thomas Bligh, Olivia Wilson. 

Excellent Behaviour:  Week 5 – Angus Boyd, Digby Volkofsky. 

Week 6 – Julian Capanas, Grace Monaghan.

School Values: Week 5 – Lachlan Hunt, Mia Martin. 

Week 6 – Samuel Adetifa. 

Citizenship Points

Wearing Uniform with Pride: Week 5 – Joshua Leung. 

Helpfulness: Week 5 – William O’Connell, Georgiana Saran, Disha Prasad, Arden Rowe, Saxon Haynes, Grace Lowther, Lucy Baker, Eva Smedley, April Englund. 

Week 6 – Georgia Dunn, Jed Volkofsky. 

Initiative in the Classroom: Week 5 – James Proudford-Nalder. 

Role Model: Week 5 – Benjamin Howe, Chrysalide Frecklington.

Being Kind:  Week 5 – Sadie Kimmins. 

Week 6 – James McRae.

Excellent Behaviour: Week 5 – Zaro Jalal, Aurora Everett. 

Week 6 – Liam McCormack, Isabella Zhang.

School Values: Week 5 – Janagan Kandeepan, Amily Gage, Lucinda Reidy. 

Week 6 – Dylan Cutter, Lachie Healey, Benjamin Howe, Xavier Zinga, Charlie Haydon, Samuel Marvasti.