Junior School Sport

News and Reports

House Football Tournament


The House Football tournament has proven to be an enjoyable experience for many students over recent weeks. Even in the colder afternoons and soggy conditions we have seen some impressive play on field. All students are reminded to have their own water bottles and shin pads. Tracksuits should be able to be taken off with shorts worn underneath so that students have something warm to put on after play. 


Due to the wet weather the Tournament will continue into Week 9 of Term. 

Term 4 Sport Choices 2020


We are pleased to be able to continue with the House Football Tournament following the Government’s recent updates to school activities. The need to run activities within Stage groups will not impact the current program but it will guide the provision of sporting activities for Term 4. 


Sport will be held from 3.20pm to 4.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays in Term 4. Parents wishing to seek an exemption for their child must do so in writing to Mr McLean via email to junioroffice@kws.nsw.edu.au and attach any supporting evidence of enrolment in outside activities that clash with this time. An exemption is not automatically granted but will be assessed on merit. 


An outline of the sporting activities offered for each age group is outlined below. In the next couple of weeks this information will be finalised and emailed home with a form to be completed online indicating your child’s Sport Choice for Term 4. A separate form will need to be completed for each sibling in Year 3-6. Year 2 will be automatically included in the Swim Program as their sport choice. 

ODJCA Cricket for Year 4-6


Cricket will be the only external sport available for students to select. We will be looking to enter teams in the U11 to U13 competitions. Registration details are now available on-line for students wishing to register. Please note that cricketers must provide all of their own equipment for this season with no sharing of helmets permitted. U11 will be required to play on Thursday evenings from 4pm-730pm while the U12 and U13 teams will play on Saturday mornings. 


KWS will not be entering teams in the Woolworths Master Blast competition (Year 3-4) on Tuesday evenings in 2020.  


KWS Cricket Whites will be required for games. Due to current COVID restrictions, there is to be no sharing of equipment. All students must have a batting helmet, gloves and pads for the season. Wicket keepers must also have their own gloves. 




Players must register with the Kinross Wolaroi Cricket Club at Playcricket.com.au. Junior registrations incur a $5 insurance fee from Cricket NSW, reimbursed by KWS upon season commencement. 

Squad Swimming


This is for elite swimmers who will be selected from a criteria determined by our swimming coaches Mr Kim Taylor and Mrs Jo Keown. Squad Swimming is run by the KWS Swim Club which does not fall under the banner of KWS Junior Sport and sessions may fall outside of School Sport time frames. Students selected will need to apply for an exemption if they choose not to participate in KWS Junior Sport on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  

Swimming - Year 2 only

Space in the pool is limited due to having to comply with Covid-19 regulations and we have had to prioritise who will get to use the pool this year. 


With Year 2 joining our Summer Sport program in Term 4, combined with the important skill of learning to swim, it has been decided to prioritise Year 2 into a swimming program in Term 4. This will require a split session with some students needing to be collected prior to the end of sport on a Monday and Wednesday. Further organisation details will be forwarded at the end of Term 3. 

Summer Sport Years 3-6


With Covid-19 restrictions in place we have had to make some adjustments to our program this year. Following the success of the House based activities offered in Term 3 we will continue with this format while Covid-19 regulations remain in place. We will readjust in Term 1 of 2021 if regulations ease. This will allow the school to maintain a consistent approach to the Junior Sports program. We have split the program into two formats that develop ball hitting, catching and running skills for Stage 2 and Running, passing and catching skills for Stage 3. 

  • Teeball and Cricket House Tournament (bat and ball, catching skills and games) – Stage 2
    Students in Stage 2 will participate in an internal Teeball Tournament and MasterBlaster Cricket Tournament. The Tournaments will be split into two 4 week blocks with all students participating in both events.
  • Touch Football and European Handball House Tournament (passing and running and catching skills and games) Stage 3 
    Students in Stage 3 will participate in a Touch Football and Basketball Competition. The Tournaments will be split into two 4 week blocks with students participating in both events.
  • Mini TennisStage 3
    Stage 3 Students may select to play in this internal competition. Modified game involving a smaller court, lower nets, plastic bats and waffle balls. Places are limited.
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Stage 2 and Stage 3
    The HIIT Program will move from before school morning sessions to be included in the afternoon timeframe from 3.30-4.30pm. Numbers may need to be limited.

Swim School – Kindergarten to Year 1 – late Term 4


Our Learn to Swim program is important and discussions are underway looking into the feasibility of a Swim School for Kindergarten and Year 1 to be held during school time in the final couple of weeks of Term 4. Further details will be provided during Term 4.  



Mr Tim May

Junior School Sport Co-ordinator