Mentone Girls' Secondary College Newsletter
The only government girls' secondary school in the south-eastern suburbs
Issue 10 · 23 Jul 2020
In this issue
Important dates
Principal's message
College matters
Bell times - period 4 , Parent teacher student interviews , Uniform, Canteen, Level Crossing Removal Project
Student Voice
VicSRC candidate, Engagement day during Lockdown 2.0, Personal Learning
Parenting teens during uncertain times
Careers & Pathways
House competition
Interschool sport, House mascot competition
Virtual House Performance
Junior School news
Welcome back to Term 3 , Welcome to new Year 7 students
Middle School News
Welcome to Term 3, Middle School Team
Year 12
Physical Education
Mentone's Got Talent
Getting the band(s) back together, Senior Band, The Funkadelics
Tababata Festival
Food Studies
Ration Challenge
Robotics Club
Teacher time
Best wishes to Isabel De San Sinforiano, Guess who!
School information
General Office, Email addreses, Principal Team & Sub-School Directors, Compass, Absences, Late arrival - after 8.50am, Attendance, Uniform, Assessment & Reporting, Library hours, Canteen, Facilities hire, Drop offs & pick ups, Student accident insurance, ambulance cover and private property brought to, Statement of commitment to child safety , Social media, Website
Published by Mentone Girls' Secondary College