House competition

Welcome back to another interesting term ahead.
Interschool sport
Unfortunately as we are still in Stage 3 restrictions, and are therefore not permitted to engage in any form of Interschool Sport.
Below is an statement from School Sport Victoria-
“We advises that for schools in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, no interschool sporting events and competitions will run in Term 3. This aligns with the Victorian Government's introduction of Stage 3 measures across metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire to reduce the spread of coronavirus.”
None the less, keeping active as we know is still crucial in these times. The School Sport Victoria (SSV) website has some innovative ways of being active whilst keeping within the current restrictions. Please visit the following website to view some virtual challenges -
House mascot competition
Well done again to our House leaders for running the house mascot design competition. Congratulations to our winners
Kenny - The Kenny Kraken - Madeleine Salisbury (Year 12)
Melba - Macy the Melba Meerkat - Morgan Gardner (Year 8)
Mackellar - The Mackellar Meerkat - Xanthe Paine (Year 11)
Jackson - The Jackson Jaguar - Amber Millward-Damon (Year 8)
Thank you all those who submitted an entry – your submission has still contributed to your overall house total. The final leader board is:
- Jackson: 110 points
- Mackellar: 90 points
- Kenny: 60 points
- Melba: 60 points
+ 100 points from each winner!
Stay tuned for some more innovative ways to earn some house points across the term. Information in relation to this will be distributed shortly so keep your eyes out for this.
For now, stay healthy and active.
Ilana Parker
House Sport and Competitions Coordinator