Virtual House Performance

Congratulations to everyone who either auditioned in Term 1 for House performance or submitted entries into the Virtual Competition. You all earned points for your houses. The Performing Arts leaders and staff have made their decisions about winners.
The final results are:
- 1st: Jackson - 46 points
- 2nd: Mackellar - 44 points
- 3rd: Melba - 22 points
- 4th: Kenny - 20 points
Winners of the virtual competition from each year level:
Year 7 - Seyara Fonseka - Kenny
Year 8 - Caitlin Hughes - Mackellar
Year 9 - Louise Thomas and Ruby Wang - Jackson
Year 10 - Megan Jose - Jackson
Year 11 - Anna Nelson - Melba
Year 12 - Melie Protat - Jackson