Junior School news

Welcome back to Term 3
I hope all families are safe and well.
Many students were disappointed that they were not physically returning to school to see their friends (and teachers) for the start of Term 3. Please be reassured that we are doing our best to support this transition for them. The Junior School teachers spent a lot of time last week navigating new technologies to improve the delivery of their online classes. There will be some challenges transitioning back to an online platform, however the positive feedback we received from the teachers after Term 2, we are confident they can do it again!
I would like to thank you for supporting your daughter during this time of remote learning. Mentone Girls’ Secondary College appreciates everything you have done and will continue to do to support your daughter during this uncertain time.
Welcome to new Year 7 students
We would like to welcome five new students who will be joining us in Year 7.
It was lovely to meet the students during an orientation session held at school last week. The students did a tour of the school, had their iPad connected to the school system and met their Student Manager and some of their teachers. It is a difficult time to be joining a new school, but I know that teachers and students in 7D, 7E and 7G will make them feel very welcome.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School