Cranbourne South Primary School

Our school endeavours to empower teachers, students and community members to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and strengthen emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Term 1, 2024 - Issue 2 · 02 Mar 2024

In this issue

We are here for the community
Principal Class News Student attendance everyday; all seasons, all year round , Permissions and Agreements , Child Safe: Standard 7: Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment, The Orange Door (replacing Child FIRST), Referrals to The Orange Door, Find an Orange Door, Child Protection
Building and Grounds News
Attendance Matters My Personal Attendance Tracker, Student Absence Learning Plans (SALP) explanations
Specialist News  As mentioned previously..., Physical Education, Artistic Flair, DigiTech, Social Wellbeing, Wellbeing events, Environmental Studies
Education News As mentioned previously..., Great Writing Begins with..., Mathematicians in the making..., Participation in NAPLAN
Awards and Celebrations Mathematician of the Week "MOW AWARDS", Writer of the Week "WOW AWARDS"
Safety & First Aid News
Student Leadership News SCC 2024 Leaders, School Captain News: Millie & Nate, i sea i care Marine Ambassador excursion
Student Welfare and Wellbeing News Supporting Resilience in Children, Term 1 Lunch Clubs ,  As mentioned previously...
Parents & Friends Association News
Parent and Community News City of Casey - Safe Around Schools, Casey Basketball Association , The City of Casey Youth Counselling and Support Service (YCaSS) , Parent Building Solutions , City of Casey - Have your say, EMC 2024 Open Night, The Fathering Project
Moral Purpose School Strategic Plan , (2024 - 2027), Annual Implementation Plan , (2024), Values, Democratic Principles, Child Safe Communication , Policy involvement 

Published by Cranbourne South Primary School