Building and Grounds News

CSPS has an Emergency Management Plan that is continually revised and updated.  Each term, we hold an Evacuation Drill that exposes the school community to each type of emergency evacuation in our plan.  Feedback is then sought from staff, students and community members who are onsite in order to refine and further develop our processes.


There are 4 types of evacuation drills that we practice each year.  Each of these drills has a particular procedure that the staff and students follow.  At the beginning of the year, an Induction program is conducted in each classroom. Each procedure is revisited throughout the year prior to a drill. 




Karen Halket, Assistant Principal is the Planning Warden for CSPS. If you have any further queries, please contact her via email.


Code colourYellowPinkOrangeGreen
Code typeOval EvacuationShelter in PlaceAdmin buildingLock downOff site evacuation
WeekWeek 5Week 6Week 5Week 6
DateWed 21st FebTues 21st MayThurs 15th AugFri 15th Nov
  • Fixing any leakages to windows identfiied during recent storms
  • Continued servicing of air conditioning including any units requiring updating
  • Continued oval maintenance due to rabbit damage
  • Flexi paving installation outside Gallery

If you are interested in being a member of the Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee, please contact Karen Halket.