Parents & Friends Association News

Do you have any questions about fundraising, events or how to get involved?


Countdown to the Colour Run has begun!

There’s 8 days until the the Colour Run, with the big show coming here to Cranbourne South Primary School.  To say we are excited is an understatement!


Have you registered and started fundraising yet?

There’s not much time left, so make sure you follow the link below and help us raise funds for our school.


Don’t forget to get your white t-shirts and eye protection for the event, ensuring the safest

and most colourful day of the year.


Last year we raised a whopping $25000. This is being utilised to buy and install a new shade sail over our basketball court as well learning through play resources for foundation.


The PFA are hard at work to make this day amazing and memorable for the children. We will be seeking lots of volunteers to help make this an event to remember.  Any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.


Consent to participate is required via Compass events - make sure you provide permission, otherwise your child/ren will have to watch from the sides.


Upcoming Events

Colour Run - Friday, 8 March

Mother’s Day breakfast, Mothers day stall* and raffle - Friday, 10 May

Hot Dog Day - Friday, 31 May

Disco - Friday , 21 June

Father’s Day stall, raffle and Father’s Day BBQ (after school) - Friday, 23 August

Pizza Day - Friday, 20 September

Choc Top Day - Friday, 9 December


Throughout the year the PFA do a lot of fundraising and events for our wonderful school.

We often hold raffles and have other opportunities to win fabulous prizes, raising money for our school. This year we would like to reach out to our school community and ask if you have a business or skill set that can contribute to our prizes.


For example, do you work for a club or company that would like to contribute as part of their community strategy? Do you have a skill or product that we can use as a prize or gift. We will of course advertise your contributions on our Facebook page and in turn promote your business, thanking your generosity.


*Mothers Day Stall Request for shopping bags