Specialist News

 As mentioned previously...

* Please note at this point in time lots of families have not given photo consent on Compass thus meaning we are unable to post lots of photos that have been taken during specialist classes.

Physical Education

It has been a hype of physical activity across all years levels and all locations the last few weeks. We have had to adapt based on weather conditions and thus had lessons indoors, on the hard court and on the oval. 

Junior School - a focus on the fundamental movement skills of walking, running and jumping through various activities and games. 

Middle School - chasing and fleeing games that require change of speed and direction. The favourite being the use of the flag belts.

Senior School - chasing and fleeing games that require change of speed, direction and strategy. The students were asked to modify games based on various requirements. 


For the remainder of term the students will be involved in modified activities that will help prepare then for the upcoming athletics carnival. 


V.I.S Athlete visit

On Wednesday 14th February the year 5 students were lucky enough to have  World Silver medallist Reece Langdon (1500m) come and chat with them. This was part of the Victorian Institute of Sports 'Be Fit Be Well' program. Reece discussed the path that led him to a career in athletics and also touched on his classification (T38), the importance of goal setting, showing resilience and health/nutrition. 

Reece will be competing at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, and it is safe to say that the school will be tuning in to cheer him on!


Swim Trials

A big well done to the students who attended the swim trials at the Pines Pool. They were racing for a spot to represent the school and district at the Casey South Division carnival later this term.

Times across the District were collated to find out the students who would progress to the Division carnival.

Congratulations to Sienna H, Magnolia O and Gracie H. We know you will do your best!


House Cross Country

On Friday 23rd February the whole school participated in the annual House Cross Country. The oval was a sea of colour and excitement and even the weather played nice this year.

Every single student is to be congratulated on the way they conducted themselves. Whether it was trying their best in their race, cheering on their peers or even stopping to help a peer who may have fallen over. Proud is an understatement.

A special mention to our school leaders who showed tremendous leadership skills across the day.

Events like this can not take place without the support of our wonderful volunteers. The school thanks you for your contribution to making the event run so smoothly.

Lastly to the parents and spectators cheering from the side-lines - it was wonderful to see such a huge turn out and even better to have a school community that understands that events like these are about having a go.

Now to the House Points tally. Throughout the events points are allocated based on position finished, participation and also sportsmanship. It was the closest finish we have had in recent years.

1st - Wiiny on 263 points

2nd - Biik on 258 points

3rd - Munmut on 248 points

4th - Baany on 235 points

Congratulations to Wiiny - stay tuned for more details about the House Athletics carnivals that will be taking place later in the term.


Year 2 Rugby League Clinic

We were lucky enough to have coach Tyler from NRL Victoria come and run the year 2 students through some modified activities related to Rugby League.


Casey Warriors are hosting a Club Come & Try evening on Thursday 7th March at Casey Fields from 5.30pm - 6.30pm.

Please see the flyer for information on how to register.

Artistic Flair

After a number weeks the students have nearly all finished creating their first individual masterpieces for 2024!


Congratulations to the following students who will have their work presented at the Red Hill Show:


FA: Ainslie B,  Tadhg J, Eli H, Mia C

FB: Kurtis, indigo-Rose, Aston, Tadgh M

Year 1

1A: Harley, Jessica, Annalyce, Harper

1B: Matilda, Hannah, Novah, Amari

Year 2

2A: Sofia, Quinn, Sophie M, Zoe

2B: Asenath, Tilly, Georgia, Brax

Year 3

3B: Charlotte W, Chase, Alice, Blake A

3A: Evelyn, Eli M, Caitlin R, Ahnika

Year 4

4A: Sienna, Indhi, Isabelle, Chelsea, Amyralyna

4B: Jaxon M, Chloe, Zayne A, Archer, Matilda

Year 5

5A: Carter, Mason Boon, Jax S, Indigo

5B: Mason J, Violet G, Polly, Kade, Mila

Year 6

6A: Ava M, Evie, Amelia, Kacey, Millie

6B: Nathan, Summer W, Jack, Emily, Alecia


It would be lovely to see lots of CSPS a the show but you are not required as Mrs Danger will be dropping off and picking up the artworks. 

The Red Hill Show is on the 9th March. 

Tickets and more info: 




Students have completed their chickens in a nest below focusing on warm and cool colours, water colour painting and crafting with a variety of materials.


Students have explored shape within Art through different activities including tracing shapes and printing with shapes. They are learning to identify the difference between organic and geometric shapes and are working on being able to identify both within different artworks. 

Printing the shape stamps with paint was a clear favourite. Many hands 'accidentally' got painted too. Let's just say the art smocks and the sink had a big workout on this day!


Junior School

Students have worked over a number of weeks to finish their underwater scene complete with their very own Rainbow Fish. They used pastels to draw the bottom of the ocean including seaweed, rocks and even a few shipwrecks then painted over with watercolours! They drew their own interpretation of a Rainbow Fish, taking inspiration from the story book. Paper clay was used to create textured scales which was rated highly as their favourite material to work with. Next lesson students coloured their fins, and added glitter before finishing their work by cutting and gluing on their fish to the underwater backdrop. They are simply dazzling!!

Middle School

Students have been focusing on creating 3 dimensions in their artwork and using value (shading) to create depth. They have designed their own robots which are incredibly individual and inspiring. Students have explored the different types of lead pencils and how the tone can vary greatly from a 2B to  6B.  I have been so impressed with their complete dedication to this task and meticulous attention to detail.

Senior School

Students were given an open ended task with a focus on value (light and dark tones) after practising various methods of applying different tones. They had to choose something to do with agriculture to link with the upcoming Red Hill Show. There are plenty of farm animals, fruits and vegetables and even a couple of tractors and mowers. Some students found starting the task the most difficult part but have used the skills they learnt over the past few weeks to apply value to their work with outstanding results. Most students used a shading technique but some students challenged themselves and used stippling (dots) or hatching (lines) to apply the dark and light tones. 


Foundation-Year 2 students have had their first lesson in the newly refurbished lab and tried our brand new lap tops. The inbuilt mouse (tracking pad) proved challenging for some as did the unusual font on the keypads but they adapted quickly. The touch screens made their lives easier and seemed most natural to them.

The focus this week was on software and hardware and students explored naming various bits and pieces of hardware and their favourite games and apps.

Most students were most talented at identifying software in the form of apps. You tube, and the Camera app were easily identified by most and can be differentiated from hardware as they cant be 'touched' or 'felt'.

The Year F and 1 students have also been practising their keyboard recognition skills with a (pretend) coloured keyboard playing games to find the letters, numbers and important keys, all essential knowledge needed to be able to log in independently. The Year 1's explored creating a new document and typing their names in fancy fonts!

Foundations challenged their hand eye coordination and mouse control with a quick game of making jam with Hey Duggee. You can play this at home here and earn your Jam Badge! https://www.abc.net.au/abckids/programs/hey-duggee/games/jam-badge/11256296


Year 3-6 students have also started their lessons in the new Digitech Lab, they were amazed at the difference. Students in Year 3-4 have been learning all about peripheral devices and learning to distinguish between inputs and outputs. They were given the opportunity to attach various inputs and outputs to a monitor with a partner, they had lots of fun with this task.

Year 5-6 students are focusing their attention on the internal parts of the computer and what each part is responsible for. We have conducted some research and will now be moving on to actually taking a laptop apart to try and identify all the parts. 

Social Wellbeing

The foundation students have begun looking at our emotions and being able to name them. We have used music for the students to listen to and decide what emotion it makes them feel when they hear it. We will continue to discuss that it's ok we feel all of our emotions, however we must make safe choices with our bodies.


Years 1-4 have begun looking at the Zones of Regulation and the importance of being able to identify what we are feeling. We have spent a lot of time discussing how do we know what we are feeling by listening to our body clues. Once we identify what we are feeling and what is happening around us we can make a plan to solve our problem. 


Years 5 and 6 have also been looking at the Zones of Regulation however form a slightly different lens than unpacking the emotions. They have been discussing what to do and how we feel when we anticipate someone will react a certain way to a situation and they don't react in that same way. It can cause us to loose focus or become scared or worried or even angry ourselves. We are all on the Road to Regulation and we all play a part in helping ourselves and others to achieve it.

Wellbeing events

SEM Phoenix

We were also lucky enough to have players from the South East Melbourne Phoenix come and have a chat with our year 5 and 6 students and then show off their half court shooting skills. We will be participating in the Phoenix Soar wellbeing program in Term 2, so watch Compass for more information on that.

Harmony Day

Thursday 21 March is Harmony Day. We invite students to wear some orange on the day to raise awareness on the importance of

 eliminating racism and discrimination. Students will be completing activities around Harmony Day throughout the week. Our first Murrup day will also have a cultural focus, as the students will spend the day with students from other year levels and learning about different foods, dances, sports and arts.

The Fathering Project

Have you signed up to come along to our first The Fathering Project event on Wednesday 13 March from 5:30-6:30? 

A sausage sizzle will be provided and a quick chat with a member from the fathering Project to explain what it is all about and the importance of fathers being involved in their children's school community. 

Check the Compass event for more information.

Environmental Studies

We had some very hot days recently for Nature Play which has seen us restricted to the indoors. As we are generally outside can you please ensure students have their hats. This week we have been looking at the concept of balance and how we can keep something stable. 

In the kitchen we used the tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs from the garden to make a Tomato and Herb Cheese Tart with a Garden Salad and Vinaigrette, it was delicious! A big thanks to Lyn who helps us out, if there are any other parents or grandparents that would like to help out please contact me via email.

The garden has been supplying us with lots of gifts this term, so far we have harvested apples, tomatoes, basil, lettuce, rocket and cucumbers.

The Year 3's also got to taste the midyim berries which are abundant at the moment. Midyim berries (aka. midgen berry, sand berry) are among the most delicious of all the bush tucker plants, similar in taste and appearance to the blueberry.

Year 5 and 6 students have been looking at circuits and how electricity flows, we have used batteries and potatoes to light up clocks and light globes. They are currently working on a house lighting design.