Student Leadership News

SCC 2024 Leaders

Congratulations to the following students for being elected by their peers to be either a SCC or SET representative for 2024.

SCC 2024 Leaders


Jimmy P

Milla O


Quil N

Hunter G


Sofia H

Bodhi B


Imogen H

Maxwell O


Caitlin R

Ella S


Blair M

Summer D


Ebony R

Isabelle I


Lochlan H

William M


Indigo C

Ryan T


Milla B

Chelsea W


Indy H.- Year 6 Leader


SET 2024 Leaders


Emmett T

Ivy R


Mav W 

Harry P


Harper M



Harper K

Caleb D


Riley F

Eli M


Max W

Archer R


Sienna H

Isaac H


Jake P

Ivy R


Madalee W

Chase V


Maggie O

James B


Jackson I - Year 6 Leader


National Ride2School Day is approaching on Friday, 22 March 2024. Students are encouraged to ride, walk, skate or scoot to school on this day. 


To continue the healthy habits once they arrive at school, students are also invited to attend the Breakfast Club from 8:30am for a healthy breakfast with some tasty fruit and breakfast snacks.


School Captain News: Millie & Nate

School Council is held 8 times a year and at each meeting some school leaders present.  At this time, they report on what has been done and the school and also what they would like to see happen.


Some great ideas are presented by student leaders at School Council and are actioned.


 Millie and Nate, 2024 School Captains presented on Wednesday 28th February. 


lAt school council we talked about sporting events, the homework policy and 

our ideas for assembly.  It was fun and the school council mostly agreed with our opinion of not having homework. They also liked our ideas for assembly.

Our 2024 iSea iCare Ambassadors went on their very first workshop on Wednesday, they are making an excellent start! Read what they have to say.

i sea i care Marine Ambassador excursion

On Wednesday the 28th of February we went to Pearcedale Primary School, and we met the i sea i care ambassadors from the other schools. We were very nervous when we walked in.We learnt about marine life  and how to take care of the ocean . We got split into groups of 19 , and our group was chosen to move to  the stage  where plays were held. That was when we were picking our roles for an all about the ocean presentation. 


Talking about the presentation, we put up our hands up  for the roles we would like to do, as Chris, one of the marine adult ambassadors, encouraged us to choose our desired roles. As we put our courage to the test we all encouraged each other to do our best. We had two practice runs until the grade twos came in and watched us present.

Two of are roles were about dolphins and how they eat rubbish and how they could potentially die or get extremely ill . Sophie’s role was hungry  dolphins, the leader for the dolphin act , asked  for two volunteers  to come and put their hand in a box full of rubbish. The grade two’s picked a piece of rubbish from the box, and handed it to me. I looked at the rubbish in disgust and threw it on the floor while saying “eww I don’t eat plastic” I hugged my tummy as if I was starving . This went on for about 30 seconds until I spoke up and said I’m still hungry. I opened the box and started picking up handfuls of rubbish and throwing it on the floor. After a while I found a yummy fish, and repeated the words “finally something good”. 


Our two runs through ‘s were fast and quick because the year two’s were coming. We were nervous and scared  but we were very   excited because it was our first presentation in front of people we didn't know . We were saying facts about the marine animals and life and  how they're living their life with rubbish so we had to change that.We tried to persuade  the year two’s to not litter.To make sure to save our animals and our ocean.We love i sea i care and we would love to go on another excursion.


Mason’s role 

Being a bossy boots  I had to get people into a circle around me and then I lay out a blanket also known as a beach. I put a scrunched up plastic bottle on the blanket and a unique seashell and a sea sponge. Then at the end of the other people did their roles then I had to  pack  everything up and to get everyone back in their positions.


Violet's role was to represent  an eleven armed sea star. As she stood up and asked what it was most of who put there hand up was saying a starfish i said yes but it's actually a  eleven armed sea star i hoped i wouldn’t upset any of them by saying no so i said yes it was a pretty close answer after i asked them to count arms with me as they did i followed them, then i told them a fact about this sea creature it can have 7 to 14 arms, i had so much fun.


After Sophie's role I  had to ask a questions to the grade two’s who put all this rubbish here ?some of the grade two’s called the dolphins but some called out humans Yes I answered in an enthusiastic voice.  But where should it be instead  I asked “ in the bin they called out “ Yes they started to understand. I loved my role! 


At the end of all of this we all had fun. We went home at about  two o'clock. We hope we can do this again, maybe further in the year.