Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

Supporting Resilience in Children

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Dr Justin Coulson, both highly regarded child psychologists.

Cranbourne East Primary School are hosting this event on Thursday 7th March 2024, 6:00 to 8:30pm at the Cranbourne Community Theatre, Brunt Street, Cranbourne 3977. Staff & Parents are welcome to attend. **Adult only event.

Term 1 Lunch Clubs 

The Term 1 Lunch Clubs are up and running. The students have been very excited to explore a range of clubs at Break times.  These Clubs offer students the opportunity to explore their creativity and social skills within a setting that offers student engagement with cross age peers. The Clubs that have been running this term are: Running, Art , Lego, Trivia and Yr 6 Leaders Clubs.

Art Club have been making Paper Planes and the students had a competition whose could fly the furthest. Chudier was the winner and Kobe a close 2nd. The students have been very busy exploring their creativity by making Book marks. 

 As mentioned previously...

* Please note at this point in time lots of families have not given photo consent on Compass thus meaning we are unable to post lots of photos that have been taken during lunch clubs.